Hamarosan a http://net-tanc.tripod.com/szab03.htm -en is olvashato:
""-----Original Message-----
""From: lajos [mailto: ]
""Sent: Monday, December 30, 2002 8:27 PM
""Subject: Fwd: New dance disciplines 2003
" t@nc
" New dance disciplines 2003
"ARGENTINE TANGO (Tango, Milonga, Tango Vals and Tango Fantasia)
"A. Street Latino is a five-dance discipline where the five dances
"each has an equal value. Each dance is evaluated on its own merits
"and the places in each dance, are found by using the Skating
"System. All couples in the final will also dance a medley
"consisting of minimum two and maximum all five dances that are
"included in the Street Latino discipline. The Street Latino Show
"medley will be judged as one more dance on its own merits. In the
"event of a tie between couples, the placing in the Street Latino
"Show medley will have the higher value.
"B. The dances that are included in the Street Latino discipline are:
" Salsa Tempi 42-47 Bpm
" Bolero Tempi 24-26 Bpm
" Merengue Tempi 29-32 Bpm
" Mambo Tempi 47-50 Bpm
" Guapacha (Slow Club Cha-cha) Tempi 27-29 Bpm
"C. Organizer's music
"D. In all rounds the length of performance should be 1:30 minutes
"long. In the final round, the couple will also dance a medley
"using music of their choice.
"E. Characteristics and movements for each dance are described and
"well known in dance literature. The impact and clothing for the
"competitors should be in a modern and futuristic Latino, Street
"wear style following the developments in new trends in Street dancewear.
"F. It is very important that the movements, the step combinations
"must be in perfect harmony with the rhythm and character of music
"throughout each dance. In Mambo, Bolero and Guapacha the dancers'
"must break on the 2nd beat of the bar.
"G. Low lifts are permitted in all dances. A lift is defined as a
"movement when both feet of one dancer leave the floor with the
"support of the partner. Lifts where more than 50% of a dancers'
"body or both feet are higher than the shoulders of the other
"dancer, are not allowed. Not more than three lifts may be used in
"each dance. In the solo performance in the final not more than
"five lifts are permitted.
"H. In the first round in the first dance only, all couples will
"dance an opening and a final minute together. The reason being
"that the judges will have a more fair chance to evaluate the
"couples if they first see all the couples together in order to set
"the level of quality before starting judging each heat. To make
"sure that the marks have been given to the right couples all
"couples will also dance a final minute together, but only in the
"first dance in the first round.
"I. In the preliminary rounds and in the semi-final, up to six
"couples are dancing at the same time in each heat. In each dance,
"all couples must dance before the organizer moves on to the next
"dance. Judges mark the couples that they would like to see going
"through to the next round with an X. The amount of marks given in
"each round will be announced.
"J. In the final round all couples dance at the same time in each
"dance. Each couple will then perform their Street Latino Show
"medley alone. In what order the couples will dance their solo
"performance will be decided by a random lottery before the final.
"The medley has to include at least two of the Street Latino dances
"and must be minimum 2.30 and maximum 3 minutes long. The music is
"of the couples' own choice but must be clearly defined as Street
"Latino dances. The judges will place the couples in order of merit
"in each dance. In the event of a tie between couples, the placing
"in the Street Latino Show medley will have the higher value.
"K. During the solo performance in the final the couples cannot use
"cumbersome scenic material. They may only perform with what they
"are wearing and holding
"L. No stage props that could not be defined as clothes, such as
"sticks or umbrellas may be used. When using clothing as a stage
"prop, the dancers should wear it during the entire performance;
"they may turn it inside out, but not throw it away.
"M. The dancer/s cannot use liquids or other substances that can
"litter the dance floor.
" Bellydance Solo Female
" Bellydance Small group
" Bellydance Formation
"A. All categories shall dance to their own music.
"B. Length of exhibition: Solo-2.30 minutes minimum to 3.00 minutes
"maximum semi-final. Solo in final, groups and formations- 4.00
"minutes minimum to 6.00 minutes maximum.
"C. No dancer shall compete against him self.
"D. Competitors may perform all existing styles of bellydance. The
"routine may be performed in pure style or as a combination of two
"or more different styles and may include theatrical movements.
" 1. Acrobatic tricks are not permitted. Acrobatics are those
"figures in which the body turns in its length direction, such as
"somersaults, hand wheeling and similar figures.
"E. The dancer/s can not use liquids or other substances that can
"litter the dance floor.
"F. Formations will be judged as a whole. Solo, duo or ensemble
"parts may be performed, but must not dominate.
"G. Solo preliminaries: Drum improvisation. Organizer's music
"(drum). Each group of competitors begins with a one-minute
"performance dancing together. They then dance one by one during
"their 30 seconds performance. Each group will then dance a final
"minute together. Both opening and final performances are to give
"the judges an opportunity to compare dancers.
"H. Stage props are permissible when carried by the dancer/s in one
"trip. Stage hands are not allowed to carry props for the dancers.
"A. Rueda de Casino groups dance with own music. Tempo of the music
"is free. Character of the music must be in the typical Salsa
"rhythm marked by the "claves". Length of exhibition: 2,30 minutes
"minimum and 3 minutes maximum. No dancer shall compete against him
"self. (A dancer can not participate in more than one group)
"B. Each group consists of 2 - 12 couples that dance together in
"one or more circles. Other types of formations such as lines,
"stationary dancing and dividing the Rueda circle into smaller
"groups, may be performed but must not dominate.
"C. Musicality, (rhythm, breaks), dance variety and originality,
"together with well-done and well-performed stage and individual
"choreography, will be highly evaluated. It is very important to
"present harmony of music, dance and costume, which should
"emphasize the special Salsa Rueda de Casino character.
"D. Acrobatic movements where the body turns in its length
"direction (body pivoting on a horizontal axis) are not allowed.
"Splits and kicks and other types of flashy tricks can be performed
"but must not dominate. Performing acrobatic tricks will not
"enhance the dancers' score. These tricks could detract from the
"score if they are not performed technically correct.
"E. During the performance dancers cannot use cumbersome scenic
"material. They may only perform with what they are wearing.
"F. No stage props that could not be defined as clothes, such as
"sticks or umbrellas may be used. When using clothing as a stage
"prop, the dancers should wear it during the entire performance;
"they may turn it inside out, but not throw it away.
"G. The dancers cannot use liquids or other substances that can
"litter the dance floor.
"H. H. Lifts are allowed. A lift is defined as a movement when both
"feet of one dancer are leaving the floor with the support of one
"or more dancers.
"I. Groups will be judged as a whole. Solo parts may be performed
"but must not dominate.
"In the near future, if there is a need, the Salsa Rueda de Casino
"may be divided into two disciplines;
" 1. Salsa Rueda de Casino Groups 2-5 couples and
" 2. Salsa Rueda de Casino Formations with 6-12 couples
"Number of dancers: 8-24
"A. Music: Of Formation's own choice.
"B. Length of Exhibition: 150 - 300 seconds (2.5 - 5 minutes).
"C. Tempo: No restrictions.
"D. Characteristics: This type of exhibition / competitive event
"should consist of choreography suitable for presentation at balls
"and other social dance events. This discipline includes especially
"social dances (a mixture of no more than 4 Standard or Latin
"American dances), older social dances, national social dances and
"historical dances. Choreography where the musical assembly doesn't
"need to come out of a typical social dance, but where the social
"dance technique is used. The work with space, choreography, total
"image and work with music together with performed movements and
"patterns will be evaluated as a whole.
"E. Permitted and recommended figures and movements: Not defined.
"F. Forbidden figures: Not defined.
"G. Stage props: Allowed.
"Clothing is of ones choice but must always be in good taste, fit
"properly and be appropriate for the age division of each dancer.
"ARGENTINE TANGO (Tango, Milonga, Tango Vals and Tango Fantasia)
"A. Music: Organizer's music in all rounds EXCEPT the final round
"of Tango Fantasia, where dancers may use their own choice of music.
"B. Length of Exhibition: 2 minutes long, to conform to the end of
"the musical phrase, in all rounds EXCEPT the Tango Fantasia in the
"final. Music chosen for Tango Fantasia performances in the final
"round must not exceed 3 minutes.
"C. Tempo: 30 - 32 bars per minute (120 - 128 beats per minute).
"D. Characteristics and Movement: The Argentine Tango is a social
"dance that falls into a smooth category of dance. It follows the
"line of dance (LOD) going around the dance floor in a
"counter-clockwise direction. This dance form expresses love and
"passion, which is evident by the closeness of the dancers, the
"man's control and the woman's seductiveness. The dancers execute
"the figures mainly from the waist down while trying to achieve an
"interesting interplay between them. This interplay between the
"partners is dictated by the music, and the dancers should be
"dancing to something in the music. One should be able to see the
"melody expressed through their movement. The epitome of Argentine
"Tango is to watch a couple dance with good posture, good extension
"through the legs, their feet almost always caressing the floor,
"and pausing with the music with a sense of rhythm that should be
"clear to those watching.
"E. Typical Movements: Walks, turns, ochos to the front and back,
"sandwiches, leg-wraps and drags, pauses with the music, molinetes,
"paradas, barridas, boleos, ganchos. Brushing and follow-through
"technique is essential in all movements. Knees must stay connected
"when executing boleos and ganchos. Certain saccades do allow the
"legs to swing open without the knees being closed.
"F. In Preliminary Rounds: The dancers should avoid using obvious
"choreography, only improvisation, which is the true heart of the
"Tango. Couples will be qualified to the next round by dancing the
"Tango only. No lifts, separations or jumps are allowed. Only
"normal dance hold is allowed. In the preliminary rounds, a
"1-minute presentation dance will take place before the couples are
"divided into separate heats. Not more than six (6) couples will
"dance together in each heat.
"G. In Quarterfinal Rounds: The dancers should avoid using obvious
"choreography, only improvisation, which is the true heart of the
"Tango. Couples will be qualified to the semi-final by dancing
"three (3) different kinds of Tango: The TANGO, the MILONGA and the
"TANGO VALS. The SKATING SYSTEM will be used to determine which
"couples will be qualified for the semi-final. Only normal dance
"hold is allowed. Not more than six (6) couples will dance together
"in each heat. 8. In Semi-final Rounds: Couples will be qualified
"to the final by dancing three (3) different kinds of Tango: the
"will be used to determine which couples will be qualified for the
"final. Only normal dance hold is allowed in the Milonga and the
"Tango Vals. Not more than six (6) couples will dance together in
"each heat.
"H. In Semi-final Rounds: Couples will be qualified to the final by
"dancing three (3) different kinds of Tango: the MILONGA, the TANGO
"VALS and the TANGO FANTASIA. The SKATING SYSTEM will be used to
"determine which couples will be qualified for the final. Only
"normal dance hold is allowed in the Milonga and the Tango Vals.
"Not more than six (6) couples will dance together in each heat.
"I. Lifts, separations and jumps: Permitted in Tango Fantasia ONLY,
"and no acrobatic figures / movements are allowed where the feet or
"the main part of the body is above the partner's shoulders.
"In the Final: Couples will be dancing three (3) different kinds of
"couples will dance together in the Milonga and the Tango Vals, and
"may only use normal dance hold in these two dances. In the final
"for the Tango Fantasia, each couple will perform alone. The
"SKATING SYSTEM will be used to determine the order of merit over
"all three (3) dances.
"Delivered-To: lajos.hajdu
"From: "President IDO"
"To: "Nerikes Dansinstitut"
"Subject: New dance disciplines 2003
"Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2002 17:43:36 +0100
"Dear dance friends!
"The IDO is in 2003 launching 4 brand new dance disciplines and
"have changed the format on the Argentine Tango. It is with great
"pleasure I hereby send out the rules for the new disciplines. I am
"attaching all new rules as Word documents to this mail. Hopefully
"we will be able to find organizers to run all the new disciplines
"already this year. The implementation date for all new rules and
"all changes of rules are the 1st of January 2003. The updated
"Dance Sport Rules will be displayed at our web site
"http://www.ido-online.org very soon. In the meantime you will find
"all decisions made by the AGM in the minutes that are already
"displayed at our web site.The new disciplines are:
"A/ Street Latino Couples >
"B/ Rueda de Casino Groups and Formations
"C/ Bellydancing Solo, Groups and Formations
"D/ Folklore and Old Style Dance Formations
"New competition format:
"A/ Argentine Tango (Tango, Milonga, Tango Vals and Tango Fantasia)
"There will also be major changes in the Break Dance discipline and
"minor changes in some other dances. The new rules will be
"displayed in our web site as soon as the technical committee has
"finished them.
"Wishing you all a prosperous and HAPPY NEW DANCE YEAR 2003.
"Nils-Hakan Carlzon
"President IDO
""Atkuldom neked ezt az IDO-tol jott levelet, megvaltoztattak egy csomo tanc
""szabalyait pl
""az argentin tangoet, hastancet, casino salsaet, a nepitanc es regi stilusu
""formacios tancoket.
""> Delivered-To:
""> X-Original-Recipient:
""> From: "President IDO"
""> To: "Nerikes Dansinstitut"
""> Subject: New dance disciplines 2003
""> Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2002 17:43:36 +0100
""> X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.50.4133.2400
""> Dear dance friends!
""> The IDO is in 2003 launching 4 brand new dance disciplines and
""have changed
""> the format on the Argentine Tango.
""> It is with great pleasure I hereby send out the rules for the new
""> disciplines. I am attaching all new rules as Word documents to
"this mail.
""> Hopefully we will be able to find organizers to run all the new
""> disciplines already this year.
""> The implementation date for all new rules and all changes of
""rules are the
""> 1st of January 2003.
""> The updated Dance Sport Rules will be displayed at our web site
""> <http://www.ido-online.org>www.ido-online.org very soon. In the
""meantime you
""> will find all decisions made by the AGM in the minutes that are already
""> displayed at our web site.
""> The new disciplines are:
""> A/ Street Latino Couples
""> B/ Rueda de Casino Groups and Formations
""> C/ Bellydancing Solo, Groups and Formations
""> D/ Folklore and Old Style Dance Formations
""> New competition format:
""> A/ Argentine Tango (Tango, Milonga, Tango Vals and Tango Fantasia)
""> There will also be major changes in the Break Dance discipline and minor
""> changes in some other dances. The new rules will be displayed in our web
""> site as soon as the technical committee has finished them.
""> Wishing you all a prosperous and HAPPY NEW DANCE YEAR 2003
""> Nils-Hĺkan Carlzon
""> President IDO