Want to watch Sporting Events?--Movies?--Pay-Per-View??
*This is the Famous R-O Shack TV Descrambler
You can assemble it from Radio Shack parts for about $12 to $15.
We Send You:
1, E-Z To follow Assembly Instructions.
2. E-Z To read Original Drawings.
3. Total Parts List.
Something you can't do without.
Warning: You should not build a TV Descrambler without
reading this report first.
Frequently Asked Questions--CABLE TV DESCRAMBLER
Q: Will the descrambler work on Fiber, TCI, Jarrod
and satellite systems?
A: The answer is YES. In respect to satellite,
you just get more stuff! There is one exception:
The descrambler will not work with DSS satellite.
Q: Do I need a converter box?
A: This plan works with or without a converter box.
Specific instructions are included in the plans for each!
Q: Can the cable company detect that I have the descrambler?
A: No, the signal descrambles right at the box and does
not move back through the line!
Q: Do I have to alter my existing cable system,
television or VCR?
A: The answer is no!
Q: Does this work with my remote control?
A: The answer is yes. The descrambler is
manually controlled--but very easy to use!
Q: Can you email me the plans?
A: No the program comes with an easy to follow picture guide.
Q: Does this work everywhere across the country?
A: Yes, everywhere in the USA plus England,
Brazil, Canada and other countries!
Q: Is this deal guaranteed?
A: Yes, if you are unhappy for any reason we will refund your money.
Q: When I order, when will I get my package?
A: We mail out all orders within 24 hours of receiving them.
Q: How much does it cost to get the instruction
plans, the easy to follow diagram, and most
important of all the "Using a Descrambler LEGALLY Report".
A: You get the complete 6 page report and instruction package all for just--$10
Q: How do I order?
A: Fill out form below and send it, along
with your $10.00 payment to:
Cabletron FREE-TV
12187 S. Orange Blossom Trail #116
Orlando Fl 32837
(Cash, Check or Money Order.)
(Florida residents include 7% Florida State Sales Tax)
(All orders outside the U.S.A. add $5.00)
E-MAIl ADDRESS____________________________________________
We are NOT ASSOCIATED in any way with RADIO SHACK.
Neither the design nor instructions were developed
by, are sold by, or are endorsed by Radio Shack.
Parts for this fine-tuning device are available
at many electronics stores (including Radio Shack)
This is not a Radio Shack product.
Sziasztok, BUEK, stb.
Kaptam egy konyvet Karacsonyra, Szabo Magdatol "A pillanat" cimut.
Valamikor olvastam mar, de most ujra belekezdtem, es most is tetszett. A
tortenetrol nem akarok irni, talan Attila elolvassa - o is szereti Szabo
Magda konyveit - es akkor ir egy jo ismertetot rola. Azt viszont meg
kell osztanom Veletek, hogy milyen fantasztikus nyelven lett megirva.
Nagyon jo volt olvasni, izlelni a szavakat, a helyenkent kisse furcsa
mondatokat, mondatszerkezeteket, es csak a konyv masodik feleben
ebredtem ra, hogy azert olyan furcsa, mert idomertekes a szovegnek egy
jo resze. (Az elejen kevesebb az ilyen resz, a vege fele szinte az egesz
skandalhato.) Kicsit olyan, mintha Homeroszt olvasna az ember. (A temaja
is homeroszi :-)))
Keresek egy kis reszt, amit beidezhetek.
Sza'll a hajo', e's sza'll az ido", csere'li a tenger a szi'ne't, van
ve'rszi'n hulla'm, van citromos hajnali fe'ny is, van viola's e'jjel,
van nappal, tiszta higanybo'l a de'lido", amido"n aranyat suga'rzik az
e'gbolt. Panthus fogja a ro"t halakat, Caieta megfo"zi, a kira'lyno"
a'll a hajo'n, figyeli az ira'nyt, e's la'm, oda messze la'tszik, itt
van ma'r, be ko:zel, Trinacria fo:ldje, szikulok re'gto"l jo'l ismert
ta'ja, Szici'lia itt van.
E's sza'll a hajo', e's sza'll az ido", e's sza'llnak a partok, bo'kol a
sze'lben, la'tja'k jo'l, a'loe' sa'rga bozo'tja, e's a bozo't eleje'n
la'ny leskel, a'mde elillan, mint fut az o"zgida, ha mege'rzi a
Szoval, aki szereti a szep nyelven megirt konyveket, olvassa el, nem
fogja megbanni.
P.S. Juli, ugye Te kerdezted osszel a kesztyu-boltot a Kossuth Lajos
utcaban? Jelentem, megvan epsegben.