1. |
Re: Mr. Keeler & his poetry! (mind) |
13 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
Re: This newsgroup (mind) |
39 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
Penury Gyuri (Whatever the heck that means) (mind) |
93 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
Searching for Vajk s etymology (mind) |
6 sor |
(cikkei) |
5. |
Re: Strength in diversity [was: Transilvania was,is an (mind) |
27 sor |
(cikkei) |
6. |
Re: Butakrata (mind) |
25 sor |
(cikkei) |
7. |
Re: This newsgroup (mind) |
34 sor |
(cikkei) |
8. |
Re: This newsgroup (mind) |
30 sor |
(cikkei) |
9. |
Re: Mr. Keeler & his poetry! (mind) |
11 sor |
(cikkei) |
10. |
Wally & Poetics (mind) |
237 sor |
(cikkei) |
11. |
Re: This newsgroup (mind) |
46 sor |
(cikkei) |
12. |
Re: This newsgroup (mind) |
60 sor |
(cikkei) |
13. |
Help needed! Segitsegre van szuksegem! (mind) |
7 sor |
(cikkei) |
14. |
Re: Help needed! Segitsegre van szuksegem! (mind) |
38 sor |
(cikkei) |
15. |
Re: Wally & Poetics (mind) |
52 sor |
(cikkei) |
16. |
Re: Butakrata (mind) |
10 sor |
(cikkei) |
17. |
Re: This newsgroup (mind) |
31 sor |
(cikkei) |
18. |
Re: Penury Gyuri (Whatever the heck that means) (mind) |
79 sor |
(cikkei) |
19. |
Re: Bland Gland s Toxic Secretions (mind) |
11 sor |
(cikkei) |
20. |
Re: Butakrata (mind) |
21 sor |
(cikkei) |
21. |
Re: Strength in diversity [was: Transilvania was,is an (mind) |
32 sor |
(cikkei) |
22. |
Cenzura ! (mind) |
83 sor |
(cikkei) |
23. |
Re: Wally & Poetics (mind) |
34 sor |
(cikkei) |
24. |
Re: "I love you" in many languages Re: Please help tran (mind) |
2 sor |
(cikkei) |
25. |
Re: Wally & Poetics (mind) |
45 sor |
(cikkei) |
26. |
Re: Wally & Poetics (mind) |
45 sor |
(cikkei) |
27. |
Magyar Asszonyok az Osszefogasert (mind) |
71 sor |
(cikkei) |
28. |
Re: "I love you" in many languages Re: Please help tran (mind) |
44 sor |
(cikkei) |
29. |
Re: Cenzura ! (mind) |
22 sor |
(cikkei) |
30. |
Re: Wally & Poetics (mind) |
37 sor |
(cikkei) |
31. |
Re: This newsgroup (mind) |
45 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | Re: Mr. Keeler & his poetry! (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
Laszlo Horvath > wrote:
>I've been wondering why Mr. Keeler (and his alter-ego Ms B. Bali, if
>in fact Ms B. is a true person and not just Mr. Keeler's invention
>in order...it wouldn't be fair for me to "speculate" on this)looms so
>frequent (not necessarily large though) on soc. culture.magyar. So this
To be fair to Wally, when he's not making a fool of himself babbling about his
(non-existent) poetic creativity, his posts usually contain useful information,
or at least I find.
+ - | Re: This newsgroup (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, "Arthur A. Simon, Jr."
beca.ios.com> says:
>Ladies and Gentlemen:
>I recognize the Magyar need to confront and debate. Was it not said
after the Balkan wars (1910-1912), that war
>was inevitable because the Hungarian language lends itself to
confrontation and not rational debate? There's
>truth there. Like Unitarians, Hungarians would rather talk about
heaven than go there! Suggest? The InterNet is
>too expensive for you to be using it as you private coffeehouse!
Stop talking about bread and start baking it!
>Note: Isten save me from poets who dabble in politics. These are
two completely different worlds...neither
>necessarily evil. It's a pity we can't tell the difference. Remember
Bela Kun? Lofty principles do not BUILD
>societies, they only provide the philosophical underpinning for the
really dirty work. Who has dirt under his
>(her) fingernails?
>Jo regelt, guys!
1) For someone who doesn't know the width of a monitor (press enter/return
before the right margin runs out, eh?) to lecture this group about the
Internet (actually, it's USENET mister, which is not quite the same, anyway)
betrays your stupidity.
2) Petofi was a poet, as well as a patriot, as were others from Hungary,
Ireland, Wales, you name it....so shut the fuck up, idiot!
God save us from ignorant pompous pricks!
George Szaszvari, DCPS Chess Club, 42 Alleyn Park, London SE21 7AA, UK
Planet Earth, Milky Way Galaxy * Cybernautic address:
Acorn..RISC OS * IBM PeeCee..PCDOS..Win-OS/2 * NW London Computer Club
ICPUG..Commodore=64 ** Interested in s/h chess books? Ask for my list!
+ - | Penury Gyuri (Whatever the heck that means) (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Brigitta Bali wrote to Gooboredom
>Your health is irrelevent. Faludy George is healthy.
In article >,>Gyorgy Kovacs
> wrote:
>>By the way, Brigi, don't put down the dictionary yet. The underlined word
>>is misspelled. But it's irrelevant. I thought only Wally was spelling
should be "challenged"
Think again KoVACUOUS.
Gabor [The Unnoticing] Barsai > wrote:
>Oh, Gyuri, I would not expect too much of those mooseheads...ya know,
>they're only Canadians.
In >
(Gyorgy Kovacs) wrote:
:I don't quite agree. The only Canadians who seem to have problems are
:these two. Naturaly there are more idiots over there, too, but it would be
:unjust ^^^^^^^^\
should read "naturally"
Not once, ladies and gentlemen, but twice.
Mr Spell Checker Him Self duh! $19.95 education.
I'd lay odds that he forgot to zip up his fly this morning.
:to formulate opinion on an entire nation, based on VERY few individuals.
:Of ^\
oops, omitted the "an"
He's no grammarian either.
:course you are entitled to your opinion, but this time I can't share it
should be "completely"
Not once, not twice,
but thrice. It's a vice!
Oh how I love the smell of Poetic Justice in the morning.
I think KoVACUOUS is taking the $9.95 version of education -- and failing.
:Penury Gyuri
> =========================================================================
What Penury Gyuri said about spelling on previous occasions:
o On 27 Apr 1996 in > o
o (Gyorgy Kovacs) wrote: o
o :Wally, we already know you need English lessons and you can't o
o :spell, so you don't have to prove it again! o
....and notice how he said it with such sincere conviction.
o Mr Well HUNGary gushed: o
o >Bland Gland??? This one deserves the Oscar! o
o o
o Penury Gyuri, pointing out a misspelled word in my post, replied: o
o :Yup, in the Most Repeated Stupidity category. o
I misspelled the same word twice.
He misspelled three different words, dropped words...
Obviously he's vying for Oscar in the Most Repeated Stupidity categyuri.
I repeat:
Obviously he's vying for Oscar in the Most Repeated Stupidity categyuri.
Obviously he will win.
By more than a length.
Obviously he will win.
It's his only strength.
o In > o
o 29 Apr 96 (Gyorgy Kovacs)wrote: o
o :He claims to be creative, but he keeps the same misspellings o
o :over and over, The REAL poetry is when you can put together o
o :existing words in a manner pleasing to the reader. o
In the categyuri of Sumptuous Septic Presumptuousness, not only does blurry
Penury Gyuri rattle on about spelling, but about putting together "existing
words." Yet even in the pedestrian art of prose, KoVACUOUS has demonstrated
that he is unable to spell "existing words", let alone assemble them
properly, so he is in no credible position to be able to publicly declare
what is or is not the richer art of poetry.
+ - | Searching for Vajk s etymology (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
I'm still searching the etymology of the magyar name Vajk.
Anyone knows ?
(thanks to Vajk that said "hello" at my first request, but is it possible
not knowing anything about your own name ? No curiosity at all ? i just can't
imagine that :-)
+ - | Re: Strength in diversity [was: Transilvania was,is an (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
s.com (T.M.Lutas) says:
>> Please specify your agenda (apart from everyone in Romania needing to
>> speak Romanian, which is not an issue with me so long as other languages
>> and cultures are not repressed at the same time.)
>OK here it is again. Can we agree on this?
>To bring about not only a political and economic but also a cultural
>renaissance that will lead to a strong, united Romania that does not need
>to fear any of its neighbors and is an example to the world of how good
>a small country can be.
I don't lend my voice to other people's political slogans/agendas (I'm
a free thinker), so I prefer my own agenda, viz: To bring about not only
a politico-economic renaissance, but also unprecedented cultural fusion,
that will lead to a strong united Europe. Such an enlightened community
will not need to fear anything and will be an example to the rest of the
world just how to evolve.
George Szaszvari, DCPS Chess Club, 42 Alleyn Park, London SE21 7AA, UK
Planet Earth, Milky Way Galaxy * Cybernautic address:
Acorn..RISC OS * IBM PeeCee..PCDOS..Win-OS/2 * NW London Computer Club
ICPUG..Commodore=64 ** Interested in s/h chess books? Ask for my list!
+ - | Re: Butakrata (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Mr FUNgarian wrote:
|>>Right on, Brigi! I'm afraid what we've got here is a failure to
|>>communicate! Some people want to interpret literally even what is
|>>symbolic. What can you do with people like that?
Mr KoVACUOUS wrote:
|>You can love them, you can hate them, you can ignore them, but you can't
|>shut them up.
Mr Well HUNGary wrote:
|Right, GK, but I wasn't talking about Wally.
Mr CanaDADA wrote:
He's right Joe. Even bacteria have a purpose. They (Goober&Ko) are there to
remind us what we could become if we lost the luminessense of our creative
wit, if we did not regularly innoculate ourselves against banality, blandness
and boredom, a malady which afflicts the majority of the population
What a great show Brigitta is putting on!
Wally Keeler Poetry
Creative Intelligence Agency is
Peoples Republic of Poetry Poetency
+ - | Re: This newsgroup (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
"Arthur A. Simon, Jr." > wrote:
>... Like Unitarians, Hungarians would rather talk about heaven than go there!
Yes, that shows that Hungarians are not bloody idiots wishing to sit in one
place with a mentally challenged smile on their face.
>Suggest? The InterNet is
>too expensive for you to be using it as you private coffeehouse! Stop talking
>about bread and start baking it!
As you are baking it right now wise man. How comes that so many people try to
tell us what to do? Have you paid for our use of internet?
>Note: Isten save me from poets who dabble in politics. These are two
completely different worlds...neither
>necessarily evil. It's a pity we can't tell the difference. Remember Bela
Kun? Lofty principles do not BUILD
>societies, they only provide the philosophical underpinning for the really
dirty work. Who has dirt under his
>(her) fingernails?
This must be some 1 May speech. God save me from dirt under my fingernails!
>Jo regelt, guys!
I am sick of your mixed language. It is not funny at all.
Szaszvari Peter
+ - | Re: This newsgroup (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Self-important people are so exhausting....
> ======================================================>>>>>
AASimon JR wrote:
I recognize the Magyar need to confront and debate. Was it not said after
the Balkan wars (1910-1912), that war
was inevitable because the Hungarian language lends itself to
confrontation and not rational debate? There's
truth there. Like Unitarians, Hungarians would rather talk about heaven
than go there! Suggest? The InterNet is
too expensive for you to be using it as you private coffeehouse! Stop
talking about bread and I recognize the Magyar need to confront and
debate. Was it not said after the Balkan wars (1910-1912), that war
was inevitable because the Hungarian language lends itself to
confrontation and not rational debate? There's
truth there. Like Unitarians, Hungarians would rather talk about heaven
than go there! Suggest? The InterNet is
too expensive for you to be using it as you private coffeehouse! Stop
talking about bread and start baking it!
Note: Isten save me from poets who dabble in politics. These are two
completely different worlds...neither
necessarily evil. It's a pity we can't tell the difference. Remember Bela
Kun? Lofty principles do not BUILD
societies, they only provide the philosophical underpinning for the really
dirty work. Who has dirt under his
(her) fingernails?
Jo regelt, guys!
+ - | Re: Mr. Keeler & his poetry! (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
Gabor Barsai > wrote:
>To be fair to Wally, when he's not making a fool of himself babbling about his
>(non-existent) poetic creativity, his posts usually contain useful information
>, or at least I find.
That sounds like a very accurate description if the situation.
+ - | Wally & Poetics (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >
Laszlo Horvath >
|I've been wondering why Mr. Keeler (and his alter-ego Ms B. Bali, if
|in fact Ms B. is a true person and not just Mr. Keeler's invention
|in order...it wouldn't be fair for me to "speculate" on this)
We are man and wife. We are pARTners. We are each other's alter ego.
|looms so
|frequent (not necessarily large though) on soc. culture.magyar. So this
|morning I tallied up the displays on this news group and found that out
|of the total of 120 or so entries roughly 28 are generated by comments by
|Mr. Keeler (& his "Doppel-ganger" (double) or "Schlamil" -my remarks are
|tongue-in-cheek -esoteric literary references aren't Mr. Keeler's
Thank god! The burden would be far in excess of what I could carry.
|and reactions to his/her fatuosities, inanities. The whole
|together create a sort of cyberspace "Who is afraid of Virginia Wolff"
Very accurate ANALogy.
|This is the sort of atmosphare you might find in the
|stuffy, old fashioned English Department of a faraway provincial
|university, let's say in Nova Scotia or Prince Edward Island)
Alas, Walking On The Greenhouse Roof, was published with the help of two at
McGill University in Montreal. [Still, it's as Canadian as a wallet stuffed
with life insurance policies.] The Introduction to the book was written by
Dr. Alec Lucas; he was the head of the English Department at McGill. He was
tweedish. Here's the Introduction:
I sat reading the Cobourg Sentinel-Star one afternoon during a visit to my
parents in Bomanville some three years ago. My mother said, "Be sure not to
miss Wally Keeler's poem. He's the young grandson of a former neighbour,
you know." I looked it up, expecting I don't know what precisely, perhaps
something like the old high school poetry,
I hear the moaning autumn wind
Acxross the lonely meadows sere;
It hints that, too, I'll wake to find
That love's, like summer, gone, I fear;
or something of social protest akin to
"I'll reap the harvest
Of all Viet nam
Of rice (and every living man),"
Cried death,
The voice of Uncle Sam;
or again, some cryptic verse like,
Red eggs
crow petals
passionate promise in the psychedelic dawn.
The astronauted moon is shattered,
Smashed windowpaned onion.
So much for conjecture! Instead, I came across a lyric poem that took me
completely by surprise. Rightly or wrongly (I know now wrongly), and
without considering the matter carefully, I had also assumed there could
hardly be any new nature images in poetry, that the Romantics and Neo-
Romantics had mined out the vein. But here in a poem by a boy of sixteen
were images as fresh as spring leaves -- new, vital, and promising of his
future work -- creating a world where the forests become "Emerald blankets
curving on the hills," beyond the lake, where "Suntanned pebbles crush
beneath me," and an inflowing stream "tumbles upon itself, / shifting its
silt in shallow shoves." Despite the fact that the poem was frequently
clumsy, it did reveal, also, the writer knew how poetry works.
Without pressing the analogy of the cause, I admit that I was as excited as
when I first read *The Return of the Native* and *The Mill on the Floss.*
The latter book had so stirred me in fact that I had simply to talk to
someone about it, and I remember phoning an "unfortunate" friend at three
in the morning to share my pleasure with him. Although I believed that I
saw genuine and extraordinary talent in this young boy's work, I reacted
differently, however, from my earlier experience. This time I phoned no
one. I immediately drove the thirty miles to Cobourg in hopes that I might
find this young writer, and went at once to the library. "Yes," the
librarian said, "We certainly do know Wally Keeler. He's read almost every
book we've got." This sounded encouraging.
Although I could scarcely believe that "Why Not I?" was the work of a one-
effort poet, I felt reassured now that it was not, and, getting directions,
set out for the boy's home. Further inquiry of a pedestrian gave me to
believe I was indeed on the right road if I were looking for a young man
who was a "bit crackers. He writes poetry, you know." I admitted that this
must certainly be he, and knocking at the house door, found myself face to
face with a lad who had long hair and bare feet and certainly did write
poetry. Half-expecting that he would produce a handful of lucubrations with
explanations of his failure to write more, I asked whether he had other
poems. "Yes," he replied, "I have some others." and herewith placed in my
hands a great sheaf of manuscript of literally hundreds of poems that I was
eventually to carry off to read and later to discuss with Louis Dudek and
that was to become the seedbed from which *Walking On The Greenhouse Roof*
was to grow.
Since that time Keeler has continued to write and to improve. He has gained
and is gaining greater control of his imagery and syntax. Yet he is a poet
of achievement as well as of promise. He writes with gusto and sincerity.
His poems are characterized by an intensity that may owe something to the
neo-romanticism of the age, but that owe most, directly to Keeler's own
experiences in life. Gusto and intensity do not of course make art, but
when they are combined, as in his poetry, with an unusual gift for creating
images the results are striking. Even if the form breaks, the impression
that the passionate involvement of the poet is at fault and not an
inability to polish his lines. It is a "fortunate flaw" that manifests the
strength of the poet's imagination, chafing as it does at the restraints
placed upon it by the needs of form. Keeler's is no tame talent to be
shackled without a struggle.
By and large I suppose, Keeler could be called a love poet (although his
work covers a wide range of topics) and an impassioned love poet. On the
one hand, however, he manages to present love as a part of the ideal
without making it namby-pamby or essentially abstract as something to be
analyzed into motives and reactions. On the other hand, he succeeds in
catching its sensuousness without indulging his poetry in the merely
sensual. He sublimates his ardour without dissapating it in naturalistic or
psychological detail or in the vague never-never-land of romanticism.
Neither pernographic nor precious, his poems present human desires as
nonetheless divine for being human.
In addition to the authenticity, the originality of the imagery, and the
frequently moving emotional and spiritual quality of Keeler's poetry, It
has something, also, of the comic that gives it a modern touch.
Occasionally it reveals itself as satire, sometimes as high-spirited and
bawdy-like humour unable to resist the temptation to have fun at the
expense of high seriousness when he writes, "and I roared / defeat in a
blizzard / of bedsheets," and at other times in puckish comment like
"content as a cow's udder." Keeler thus adds a refreshing dimension to his
poetry. His humour is neither flippant nor inconsequential. It is part of
his whole attitude toward life. It is generally good-natured and lets us
know that he recognizes himself for what he is -- a young man alive to
living, celebrating his experiences -- and nothing more. He thus avoids the
lugubrious and self-contemplatory that can become tiresome in lyric verse
and concomitantly keeps his work free from pretentiousness and didacticism.
Perceptive and sensitive as a human being, Keeler is still fully conscious
of the exacting demands placed by the formalistic on the artist, of the
need for pattern in structure and rhythm in movement, of imaginative
insight harmonized by tone and vision through image as substantive and
symbolic detail. Yet, for all that, in writing of *Walking On The
Greenhouse Roof*, I have to fight a tendency to slip into paying tribute to
"untutored genius" and "native wood notes wild," for it is the poet's
naivete that seems to give his work much of its distinction. I use the word
in no pejorative sense, but simply to indicate one of the over-riding
qualities of the verse. If Keeler writes of nature, he writes of it as it
seems primarily to have come to him, and not through the seive of other
nature poets. If he writes of love, he writes of it as a lover and in terms
of all its lights and weathers as he has experienced them and not as a case
history of a stage in the process of maturing. If he writes of man and
swociety, he writes from the challenging perspective of a hippie, straight-
forwardly with a disarming and yet provocative idealism. There is nothing
here, either, of the pellet-like trait often apparent in volumes of slim
verse squeezed out year by year. There is nothing here of a fear of words
and of unduly cautious polishing. There is little here, too, of the
characteristics that mark occasional verse frequently, written as it seems
to reflect some isolated thought or event. Keeler's poetry contains a
vision, a youthful vision but valid and significant nevertheless, which he
catches in fresh diction, original images, and an authentic tone, and which
reaffirms the "eternal verities" as the subject of poetry and presents them
in a telling way in modern fashion.
Dr Alec Lucas
McGill University
March 17, 1969
|I've thought I might contribute to the resolution of Mr. Keeler's right
|to claim the "presidency" to the People's Republic of Poetry",
There's no presidency. I am Poetician 1. I arbitrarily claim the write to
the Poetsition. You are in no position to posit otherwise. You are not a
recognized State of Mind to comment on the State of Affairs of State of
the Peoples Republic of Poetry. Here is a bit of the layout of the Peoples
Republic of Poetry:
| | | |
| | |
| -------------------
| | |
| | | | | |
|etc. by
|running a check on all the major library databases (ARLIN, OCLC, etc.)
|and consulting all the major national catalogs (NY Public Library,
|Library of Congress, etc.) and found only 1 (and not 2!) title associated
|with his name (he could, of course, have published under assumed names
Which is the case.
|The work is titled: Walking on the Greenhouse Roof. Published in
|Montreal, by Delta Canada, in 1970. It's a booklet of 109 p. and is of 20
|cm. in length. Alas, no library in my neighborhood owns it so I cannot
|comment on the quality of his poetry based on that book.
There are 65 poems in it. Half of them are an embarrassment to me.
+ - | Re: This newsgroup (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Arthur A. Simon, Jr. wrote:
> Ladies and Gentlemen:
> I recognize the Magyar need to confront and debate. Was it not said after the
Balkan wars (1910-1912), that war
> was inevitable because the Hungarian language lends itself to confrontation a
nd not rational debate? There's
> truth there. Like Unitarians, Hungarians would rather talk about heaven than
go there! Suggest? The InterNet is
> too expensive for you to be using it as you private coffeehouse! Stop talking
about bread and start baking it!
> Note: Isten save me from poets who dabble in politics. These are two complete
ly different worlds...neither
> necessarily evil. It's a pity we can't tell the difference. Remember Bela Kun
? Lofty principles do not BUILD
> societies, they only provide the philosophical underpinning for the really di
rty work. Who has dirt under his
> (her) fingernails?
> Jo regelt, guys!
Mr. Simon, Mr. Simon... your knowledge of Hungary, Hungarian history, and
Hungarian national characteristics seem to be rather limited for making
such a sweeping generalization about the Hungarian language. I suspect
that besides "Jo regelt [i.e. reggelt], guys" you know nothing else.
You're probably one of those "wise" and busybody "middle-age-to-elderly"
Unitarians who dabble into world culture, international politics, etc.
and take a perfunctory interest in Hungary because unitarianism
originated in Transsylvania.
And, since you seem to be surfing the "net" you must have noticed by now
that there are thousands of groups that are wasting trillions of words in
space on even more useless and inconsequential topics than this news
group. How come you've compromised your lofty principles and deigned to
descend to the level of cyberspace gobblers.
Also, no language -per se- is given more confrontational style than
others. You can confront, argue, debate, press your point, etc. in
English or Hottentot as well as in Hungarian. But you could be once of
those people who, once they know a couple phrases in a foreign language,
declare themselves to be able to "speak" that language. So, you'd be much
better off if you literally got down breaking bread.
By the way you could look up those sex related binary groups and told
them that they shouldn't clog up cyberspace with those billions of
porno-binaries. Now, they could really tell you where to go!
Sincerely, laszlo.
+ - | Re: This newsgroup (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Arthur A. Simon, Jr. wrote:
> Ladies and Gentlemen:
> I recognize the Magyar need to confront and debate. Was it not said after the
Balkan wars (1910-1912), that war
> was inevitable because the Hungarian language lends itself to confrontation a
nd not rational debate? There's
> truth there. Like Unitarians, Hungarians would rather talk about heaven than
go there! Suggest? The InterNet is
> too expensive for you to be using it as you private coffeehouse! Stop talking
about bread and start baking it!
> Note: Isten save me from poets who dabble in politics. These are two complete
ly different worlds...neither
> necessarily evil. It's a pity we can't tell the difference. Remember Bela Kun
? Lofty principles do not BUILD
> societies, they only provide the philosophical underpinning for the really di
rty work. Who has dirt under his
> (her) fingernails?
> Jo regelt, guys!
Mr. Simon, Mr. Simon... your knowledge of Hungary, Hungarian history, and
Hungarian national characteristics seem to be rather limited for making
such a sweeping generalization about the Hungarian language. I suspect
that besides "Jo regelt [i.e. reggelt], guys" you know no more Hungarian.
You're probably one of those "wise" and busybody "middle-age-to-elderly"
Unitarians who dabble into world culture, international politics, etc.
and take a perfunctory interest in Hungary because unitarianism
originated in Transsylvania.
Tying the Balkan Wars (1910-1912) to Hungary, and especially to the
Hungarian language, is supremely ridiculous. First of all the period for
the Balkan War is Oct. 1912-May 1913. The protagonists of that war were
Turkey, Bulgaria, Serbia, and Greece. Absolutely no Hungarian interrests
were involved and even the Austro-Hungarian imperial interrests were not
direct. So check your history and spread no false rumors. Do you realize
that you're blaming Hungary for starting that war? It might be true that
in the outbreak of the First World War (as partner in the
Austro-Hungarian Empire) Hungary might have played some minimal role. But
despite the partnership foreign affairs were decided in Vienna and not in
Budapest). I guess next you'll declare that the late
Bosnian-Croation-Serbian conflict was due to the confrontational nature
of the Hungarian language. Little knowledge, Mr. Simon, is damaging and
even dangerous.
And, since you seem to be surfing the "net" you must have noticed by now
that there are thousands of groups that are wasting trillions of words in
space on even more useless and inconsequential topics than this news
group. How come you've compromised your lofty principles and deigned to
descend to the level of cyberspace gobblers.
Also, no language -per se- is given more confrontational style than
others. You can confront, argue, debate, press your point, etc. in
English or Hottentot as well as in Hungarian. But you could be once of
those people who, once they know a couple phrases in a foreign language,
declare themselves to be able to "speak" that language. So, you'd be much
better off if you literally got down breaking bread.
By the way you could look up those sex related binary groups and told
them that they shouldn't clog up cyberspace with those billions of
porno-binaries. Now, they could really tell you where to go!
Sincerely, laszlo.
+ - | Help needed! Segitsegre van szuksegem! (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Ki akar segiteni nekem? A problemam az, hogy nehany US-amerikai commercial
www-siteket nem lehet accesselni Europabol (bocs, de nem tudom, hogy van
"to access" stb. magyarul). Ki akar nekem egy kis informaciot egy
ilyen www-szerverbol szerezni? Az egeszet nem tobb idot fog fogyaszani mint
5-15 perc. Nem tudom senkit USA-ban, azert itt keresek sehitseget.
Markku Michael Jeltsch, Finland
+ - | Re: Help needed! Segitsegre van szuksegem! (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
"Markku.M Jeltsch" > wrote:
>Ki akar segiteni nekem? A problemam az, hogy nehany US-amerikai commercial
>www-siteket nem lehet accesselni Europabol (bocs, de nem tudom, hogy van
>"to access" stb. magyarul). Ki akar nekem egy kis informaciot egy
>ilyen www-szerverbol szerezni? Az egeszet nem tobb idot fog fogyaszani mint
>5-15 perc. Nem tudom senkit USA-ban, azert itt keresek sehitseget.
>Markku Michael Jeltsch, Finland
"accesselni" = elerni
"tudom" = ismerek
and many others so I think it's better to not break the language to smaller
pieces :)
The most common reasons to not be able to access something on the net:
- The net is overloaded (try 4 o'clock in the morning)
- The server is off. (Tell them to turn it on)
- The server limits the access spatially (try to log in in the USA and access
from there, if you have no account there: nope)
- Your machine cannot convert the machine names to ip-addresses (check the DNS
configuration and your DNS server)
- Your machine is set up to less "hops" than the number of hops needed to
reach the machine. ("Hops" is the number of routers between you and the
server)(Try to reconfigure your machine)
- The server machine is set up to too few "hops". (Try to tell them)
First you can try some easy checks:
- make a "ping" to the servers address. It will show if you had connection.
- make a "traceroute" to see the distance and the path to the server.
No more ideas.
Szaszvari Peter
+ - | Re: Wally & Poetics (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Wally Keeler wrote:
> In article >
> Laszlo Horvath >
> |I've been wondering why Mr. Keeler (and his alter-ego Ms B. Bali, if
> |in fact Ms B. is a true person and not just Mr. Keeler's invention
> |in order...it wouldn't be fair for me to "speculate" on this)
> We are man and wife. We are pARTners. We are each other's alter ego..........
Mr. Keeler, forgive me for leaving off the rest of your long response,
The bottom line is that I explicitely stated that I do base my
"imprtessions" on your's and Ms Bali's Internet "manifestations". There
the majority of your utterances and fragments from your poetry were, to
my taste -and all such things are subjective- anachronistic, banal and
bombastic. Anachronistic because the age of Dada is over. This age has
it's own modernistic spirit and not only I do not have a quarrell with
it: I love it. "Old-fashioned" modernist in "new-fashioned" modernist
surrounding do look and sound pathetic. For example every once in a while
when I revisit the old scenes of my haunts in the "North Beach" part of
San Francisco (onetime Jack Kerouac, A. Ginsberg, etc. "country") I'd run
into some old acquaintance not only in the old style hippy garb but
frozen into the old beat/hippy mindset. The total appearance is of great
hangdog pathos.
And you, Mr Keeler, with your "cyberspace-appearance" -for that's all I
know of you, and that's what you can project to you fellow syberspace
walkers with your dadastyle manifestos, declarations, phraseoly, project
something out-of-datish, anachronistic.
Evidently you have a cause and a massage (and that's all right to have
one) and you try to sell it. And I pull for you. But you go about it the
wrong way. You cannot be taken seriously. Why not compromise a bit? Sure,
deflate your ago a bit. Make your "Republic" more friendly and inviting.
Most true and productive artists are quiet and modest about their art.
With them their work is the message. But you build around your minuscule
output a "manuscule" mansion, even republic, made up of puff-words and
slogans. So that's what becomes your message. And since your Republic is
built from puff-words you have to keep frantiqually pumping more puff
words into it to keep it from deflating. So make poems to be the media of
your message.
By the way, the poems that you quote here from your volume are good.
So, in view of that, I upgrade my views of your poetry. However,
apologies I do not extend because I had stated that my impressions had
been based on your soc.cul.magyar platform utterances.
I also want to let you know that not a complete yahoo "opinioned" about
your poetica but a former friend and admirer of the Canadian (Montreal)
poet Leonard Cohen, and a onetime friend, "flat-mate" (in Toronto
-Madison Ave.) of the poet, translator, compiler (a volume called "How do
I love thee"; I hope John included in it something by you) of John Robert
Colombo (I did rough translations and "explications" of a number of
Hungarian poems for him).
Well, I've got to run and for the time being sincerely, Laszlo H.
+ - | Re: Butakrata (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
Wally Keeler > wrote:
>What a great show Brigitta is putting on!
>Wally Keeler
+ - | Re: This newsgroup (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
George Szaszvari > wrote:
>In article >, "Arthur A. Simon, Jr." <aasimon@tr
ibeca.ios.com> says:
>>Ladies and Gentlemen:
>>I recognize the Magyar need to confront and debate. Was it not said
>after the Balkan wars (1910-1912), that war
>>was inevitable .....................
{Cut for brevity and because of impure language}
>1) For someone who doesn't know the width of a monitor (press enter/return
>before the right margin runs out, eh?) to lecture this group about the
>Internet (actually, it's USENET mister, which is not quite the same, anyway)
>betrays your stupidity.
> George Szaszvari
> Planet Earth,
Earth to George, Earth to George, George come on!
A lot of mailers and newsreaders enable the user to use your favorite Word
Processor to write your letter or followup, and than send it. If it is a
windows based one, and your default font is set to smaller than a 10cpi size
(e.g. 8 points) than the width of your text will be more than 80 caracters. Now
if your fellow man somewhere else reads it on a 80 char. wide monitor in text
mode, the lines will be somewhat disorganized (ko'cos). That has nothing to do
with stupidity. And USENET is part of the Internet as the word Internet used in
its wide interpetation.
Just my 2 banis' worth.
Gyorgy Kovacs
+ - | Re: Penury Gyuri (Whatever the heck that means) (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
Brigitta Bali > wrote:
>>>By the way, Brigi, don't put down the dictionary yet.
The underlined word
>>>is misspelled. But it's irrelevant. I thought only Wally was spelling
> ^^^^^^^^^^^\
> should be "challenged"
I know. What's your point?
>:these two. Naturaly there are more idiots over there, too, but it would be
>:unjust ^^^^^^^^\
> should read "naturally"
I know. What's your point?
>Not once, ladies and gentlemen, but twice.
More coming up.
>Mr Spell Checker Him Self duh! $19.95 education.
>I'd lay odds that he forgot to zip up his fly this morning.
Yeah, and my bumble bee and mosquito also.
>:to formulate opinion on an entire nation, based on VERY few individuals.
>:Of ^\
> oops, omitted the "an"
> He's no grammarian either.
I know. What's your point?
> ^^^^^^^^^\
> should be "completely"
I know. What's your point?
>Not once, not twice,
>but thrice. It's a vice!
More coming up!
>Oh how I love the smell of Poetic Justice in the morning.
I prefer coffee.
>What Penury Gyuri said about spelling on previous occasions:
:Wally, we already know you need English lessons and you can't o
:spell, so you don't have to prove it again! o
>...and notice how he said it with such sincere conviction.
>> >Bland Gland??? This one deserves the Oscar!
> :Yup, in the Most Repeated Stupidity category. o
>I misspelled the same word twice.
In that post, and 7 times in others.
>He misspelled three different words, dropped words...
I know. What's your point?
>In the categyuri of Sumptuous Septic Presumptuousness, not only does blurry
>Penury Gyuri rattle on about spelling, but about putting together "existing
>words." Yet even in the pedestrian art of prose, KoVACUOUS has demonstrated
>that he is unable to spell "existing words", let alone assemble them
>properly, so he is in no credible position to be able to publicly declare
>what is or is not the richer art of poetry.
Closing comments: I don't have to be perfect in spelling or grammar, since I
don't claim to be a poet or native speaker of this great language. Wally claims
both, you claim to be a poet.
I don't have to be a master cook to determine whether the food tastes good or
not. (I hope you are able to comprehend the analogy.)
You are bored and boring.
Gyorgy Kovacs
+ - | Re: Bland Gland s Toxic Secretions (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
Brigitta Bali > wrote:
>:>Of you have no capability. You are Mr Bland Gland.
>:Does oo spik Inglish? You are talking about an interest which is not there.
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\
> A failed attempt at wordplay
I did not attemp wordplay, my little anurism, just imitating yore nollij ov
da Inglush lengwage.
+ - | Re: Butakrata (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
Gyorgy Kovacs > wrote:
>In article >,
>Bally Feeler > wrote:
>>What a great show Prig-itta is putting on!
>>Bally Feeler
At their place, where else. She's doing a lap dance for 'im. Then, Wally will
conduct his "moose mating call", and they'll "do it" like moose-heads.
After the fun, they'll hopefully visit their friendly neighborhood hospital,
and get lobotomies at the same time, since they're f-ART-ners. Then again,
maybe they should just visit their friendly neighborhood proctologist, and get
enemas, to clear out their systems.
+ - | Re: Strength in diversity [was: Transilvania was,is an (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, (George
Szaszvari) wrote:
> In article >,
(T.M.Lutas) says:
> >> Please specify your agenda (apart from everyone in Romania needing to
> >> speak Romanian, which is not an issue with me so long as other languages
> >> and cultures are not repressed at the same time.)
> >
> >OK here it is again. Can we agree on this?
> >
> >To bring about not only a political and economic but also a cultural
> >renaissance that will lead to a strong, united Romania that does not need
> >to fear any of its neighbors and is an example to the world of how good
> >a small country can be.
> I don't lend my voice to other people's political slogans/agendas (I'm
> a free thinker), so I prefer my own agenda, viz: To bring about not only
> a politico-economic renaissance, but also unprecedented cultural fusion,
> that will lead to a strong united Europe. Such an enlightened community
> will not need to fear anything and will be an example to the rest of the
> world just how to evolve.
Close enough to put down the sword I think...
Now available on the Romanian Political Pages
The only net copy of the Romanian constitution in Romanian
+ - | Cenzura ! (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Idezet a "Nemzet - Magyar Internet Vilaglap" majus 1-i
szamabol (http://www.siliconvalley.com/nemzet.html ,
e-mail megrendeles:
[A Nemzet hazai es Szabad Vilagbeli tudositoitol]
Mult csutortokon lemondott Szekely Ferenc, a Magyar Televizio
igazgatoja. Leveleben lemondasat azzal indokolta, hogy a
mediafelugyelo bizottsaggal nem hajlando egyuttmukodni, mert
azok az o megolesere torekszenek. Horn es Goncz unszolasara
azonban megis hivatalaban maradt, miutan Horn megigerte, hogy
"elintezi" a felugyelobizottsagot.
Vajon hogyan "intezi el" a kormanyfo azt a valasztassal meg-
hatalmazott bizottsagot, amelynek feladata hogy jogszeruen orkodjek
a TV tevekenysege felett? A Nemzet tudositani fog a fejlemenyekrol.
Az Uj Magyarorszag cimoldalas cikkeben kozolte aprilis 29-en,
hogy a Magyar Nemzet-ben nyilt cenzurakontroll duhong.
Kormos Valeria "nyomozoriporter" ugyanis egy cikksorozatban
leplezte VOLNA le Fenyo sajtomaffiajat (a VICO-t), am Princz,
aki a Magyar Nemzetet birtoklo Postabank feje, sajat kezuleg
ronditott bele cenzurazo tollaval a cikksorozatba, ami mindeddig
nem jelent meg. Kedden az Uj Magyarorszag kozolte, hogy a
Magyar Nemzet komputerebol rejtelyes modon "eltunt" a cikk-
sorozat, de az Uj Magyarorszag arrol is tudositott, hogy a
cikksorozat kezirata, amely kivaloan leplezi le az otthoni uzleti,
szervezett bunozesi, politikai es birosagi koroket, tulelte a poszt-
kadari cenzurahullam eddigi rohamait. Nem ketseges, hogy
ez a botrany hatalmas mertekben fog kiterebelyesedni, es a
Nemzet termeszetesen kozli a reszleteket, ahogy azok megjelennek.
Az USA kozeleteben hallatlan jelentosege van a Valutaalap es
Vilagbank publicitasanak, kulonosen most, mivel Jelcin ujra-
valasztasanak biztositasara ezek az intezmenyek mintegy $40
orszagnak. Ismeretes, hogy a jobboldali USA emigracio mar
evek ota koveteli (pl. az Internet segitsegevel is), hogy M.o.
ne legyen (megint) "utolso csatlosa" egy roskatag birodalomnak
(ezuttal az IMF-WB-nek) az adossag nyogeseben, amikor
Lengyelorszag, Bulgaria, Albania utan Oroszorszag sem fizet.
A jobboldali USA emigracio kulonosen az 1956-os Forradalom
es Szabadsagharc-ra valo hivatkozassal harcol a kamatrabszolgasag
aloli felszabadulasert, es ebben fontos szerepe van az ANGOL
NYELVU Internet-harcnak 1956 melto elismereseert.
A legelmergesedettebb harc 1956-ert a "Hungary" nevu (amerikai
liberalis magankezen levo) Internet-listan folyt, ahol a "kadar-
jugend" olyan liberalis gyerekei tundokolnek, mint KORNAI ANDRAS
(annak a Kornai Janos kozgazdasznak a fia, aki maga is penzt vett
fel a Vilagbanktol!), es Fencsik Gabor (a Nemzet olvasoi elott
ismeretes Fencsik Flora szerepe abban, hogyan tagadja le az SZDSZ
liberalis sajtoja a "Taxisblokad"-ban valo szerepuket, ld.
http://www.siliconvalley.com/nemzet/95128.html ). Kornai Andras
avval tette magat hirhedtte, hogy nyilvanosan tagadja, hogy 1956
"Szabadsagharc" volt, Fencsik Gabor pedig az adossagelengedesert
valo kuzdelem ellen agal minden lehetseges (es lehetetlen) ervvel.
Az "ideologiai hatteret" mindehhez Balogh Eva adja ott, aki allitolagos
torteneszi multjat is kerekbetorve csatlakozott 1956 es az adossag-
elengedes elleni liberalis kuzdelemhez, ujabban olyan hazugsaggal,
hogy "magyarul sohasem mondjuk 1956-ot SZABADSAGHARC-
NAK". Jellemzo a tarsasagra, hogy az elmergesedett vitaban egy
olyan amerikai liberalis idiotat emeltek ki annak "elbiralasara"
hogy hazugsag-e hogy "1956-OT MAGYARUL NEM HIVJUK
SZABADSAGHARCNAK", aki - (1) nem csak hogy 1956-ban, de
Hogy ez az elkepeszto hazugsagozon ne fulladjon kozrohejbe,
termeszetesen nem maradt mas a "Hungary" lista tulajdonosanak,
mint hogy CENZURAT VEZETETT BE - termeszetesen nem
Kornai, Balogh, Fencsik es mas liberalis idiotak ellen, hanem
mindazok ellen, akik (felhasznalva a "public.siliconvalley" domain
altal nyujtott vedelmet) 1956-ert, es azaltal az adossagelengedesert
+ - | Re: Wally & Poetics (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
Wally Keeler > wrote:
>Big ego? I never claimed to rise above the great poets. I never claimed to
>be level with the great poets. I claimed to be a poet. I claimed to be
>creative with language. Evidently this is just toooooo much for a few
>people to take. Although they have admitted to not being poets, they claim
>to be greater than the peers who have acknowledged my talents [I didn't say
>GREAT talents], they claim to be great literary critics with great insight
>as to what poetry is, what it should be, and that's that. Their judgement
>from on high. They inspect me with rigor [and why not] -- consequently the
>credentials of their judgement can be examined rigorously [and why not].
>And they have failed to present any credentials. Brigitta has posted
>supporting arguments from peers in the past and present. The literary
>critics of SCM have posted only their unsubstantiated opinions. Well, there
>is that old saw: Opinions are like assholes; everybody has one.
Well, yes.
So you're gonna force us to like your poetry with some dorky references?
I like Shakespeare. I like Kolcsey. I like Balassy. I like Poe. I like
Gardonyi. I like Fekete Istvan. I like the Canadian Rock group "Rush".
I don't know why they appeal to me, but they do. Maybe, because I can find some
similarity between my life and what they produced.
I don't like Rimbaud, or Walt Whitman, or Faulkner or Picasso (although I did
like the "Adventures of Picasso"; one of the best films I have ever seen!) or
Bartok. I can't find any similarity between my life and what they produced.
Just as I don't like your style, no matter how many credentials you have.
On the other hand, when you're not stuck up on your "poetry", your posts are
very objective, I find.
+ - | Re: "I love you" in many languages Re: Please help tran (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In German it would be
" ich liebe dich"
+ - | Re: Wally & Poetics (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Wally Keeler wrote:
> In article >
> Laszlo Horvath >
> |I've been wondering why Mr. Keeler (and his alter-ego Ms B. Bali, if
> |in fact Ms B. is a true person and not just Mr. Keeler's invention
> |in order...it wouldn't be fair for me to "speculate" on this)
> We are man and wife. We are pARTners. We are each other's alter ego..........
Mr. Keeler, forgive me for leaving off the rest of your long response,
The bottom line is that I explicitely stated that I do base my
"imprtessions" on your's and Ms Bali's Internet "manifestations". There
the majority of your utterances and fragments from your poetry were, to
my taste -and all such things are subjective- anachronistic, banal and
bombastic. Anachronistic because the age of Dada is over. This age has
it's own modernistic spirit and not only I do not have a quarrell with
it: I love it. "Old-fashioned" modernist in "new-fashioned" modernist
surrounding do look and sound pathetic. For example every once in a while
when I revisit the old scenes of my haunts in the "North Beach" part of
San Francisco (onetime Jack Kerouac, A. Ginsberg, etc. "country") I'd run
into some old acquaintance not only in the old style hippy garb but
frozen into the old beat/hippy mindset. The total appearance is of great
hangdog pathos.
And you, Mr Keeler, with your "cyberspace-appearance" -for that's all I
know of you, and that's what you can project to you fellow syberspace
walkers with your dadastyle manifestos, declarations, phraseoly, project
something out-of-datish, anachronistic.
Evidently you have a cause and a massage (and that's all right to have
one) and you try to sell it. And I pull for you. But you go about it the
wrong way. You cannot be taken seriously. Why not compromise a bit? Sure,
deflate your ago a bit. Make your "Republic" more friendly and inviting.
By the way, the poems that you quote here from our volume are very good.
So, in view of that, I upgrade my views of your poetry. Apologies I do
not extend because I had stated that my impressions had been based on
your soc.cul.magyar platform utterunces.
I also want to let you know that not a complete yahoo "opinioned" about
your poetica but a former friend and admirer of the Canadian (Montreal)
poet Leonard Cohen, and a onetime friend, "flat-mate" (in Toronto
-Madison Ave.) of the poet, translator, compiler (a volume called "How do
I love thee"; I hope John included in it something by you) John Robert
Colombo (I did rough translations and "explications" of a number of
Hungarian poems for him).
Well, I've got to run and for the time being sincerely, Laszlo H.
+ - | Re: Wally & Poetics (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Wally Keeler wrote:
> In article >
> Laszlo Horvath >
> |I've been wondering why Mr. Keeler (and his alter-ego Ms B. Bali, if
> |in fact Ms B. is a true person and not just Mr. Keeler's invention
> |in order...it wouldn't be fair for me to "speculate" on this)
> We are man and wife. We are pARTners. We are each other's alter ego..........
Mr. Keeler, forgive me for leaving off the rest of your long response,
The bottom line is that I explicitely stated that I do base my
"imprtessions" on your's and Ms Bali's Internet "manifestations". There
the majority of your utterances and fragments from your poetry were, to
my taste -and all such things are subjective- anachronistic, banal and
bombastic. Anachronistic because the age of Dada is over. This age has
it's own modernistic spirit and not only I do not have a quarrell with
it: I love it. "Old-fashioned" modernist in "new-fashioned" modernist
surrounding do look and sound pathetic. For example every once in a while
when I revisit the old scenes of my haunts in the "North Beach" part of
San Francisco (onetime Jack Kerouac, A. Ginsberg, etc. "country") I'd run
into some old acquaintance not only in the old style hippy garb but
frozen into the old beat/hippy mindset. The total appearance is of great
hangdog pathos.
And you, Mr Keeler, with your "cyberspace-appearance" -for that's all I
know of you, and that's what you can project to you fellow syberspace
walkers with your dadastyle manifestos, declarations, phraseoly, project
something out-of-datish, anachronistic.
Evidently you have a cause and a massage (and that's all right to have
one) and you try to sell it. And I pull for you. But you go about it the
wrong way. You cannot be taken seriously. Why not compromise a bit? Sure,
deflate your ago a bit. Make your "Republic" more friendly and inviting.
By the way, the poems that you quote here from our volume are very good.
So, in view of that, I upgrade my views of your poetry. Apologies I do
not extend because I had stated that my impressions had been based on
your soc.cul.magyar platform utterunces.
I also want to let you know that not a complete yahoo "opinioned" about
your poetica but a former friend and admirer of the Canadian (Montreal)
poet Leonard Cohen, and a onetime friend, "flat-mate" (in Toronto
-Madison Ave.) of the poet, translator, compiler (a volume called "How do
I love thee"; I hope John included in it something by you) John Robert
Colombo (I did rough translations and "explications" of a number of
Hungarian poems for him).
Well, I've got to run and for the time being sincerely, Laszlo H.
+ - | Magyar Asszonyok az Osszefogasert (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Valasz Magyar Asszonytarsaink Felhivasara (uj alairasokkal)
Mar gr. Szechenyi Istvan is a magyar nok tamogatasat kerte a Nemzet
erkolcsi talpraallasahoz, mint mondta: "mert annyi nemes es szep, ami
az emberiseget felemeli, a Ti nemetek muve!"
Hos Magyar Asszonyok! Volt batorsagtok tamogatni mert megertettetek
a "Legnagyobb Magyar" 166 evvel ezelott elhangzott kereset!
Mint a nyugati magyarsag huseges honleanyai, meghallottuk es meg-
ertettuk segelykialtastokat. - Mint magyar allampolgarok, mi a messze
idegen vilagban is megoriztuk magyarsagunkat, kulturankat es nyelvunket.
Mindennek ellenere mi - NEM SZAVAZHATTUNK - pedig azt
mas nemzet fiai-leanyai megtehettek! "Kisemmizve" ereztuk magunkat.
Ez meg nem jelenti azonban, hogy nem lehetunk "igazabb, husegesebb"
tagjai a magyar Hazanak, mint azok, akik most ott ulnek a magyarok
Orszaganak a Hazaban.
A megmerettetesnel konnyunek talaltatik az a kormany es mindazon
tagjai, akik kizarolag NEM a magyar Nemzet erdekeit kiepviselik es
a Haza jobbrafordulasat szolgaljak, hanem idegen erdekeket es onzo,
egyeni gazdagodasukat. Akarva-akaratlanul is tovabb raboljak, meg-
semmisitik meg azt is, amit a 45 eves -megprobaltatasokkal teli- rend-
szer meghagyott.
A magyar nep pusztulasa, fogyasa es tovabbi szenvedese, Hazank
teljes kiszolgaltatottsaga, kifosztasa, valoban a "Nemzethalal" viziojat
vetiti elenk! Eppen ezert, a vilag minden tajan szetszorodva, ahol
igaz magyar Anyak, Hitvesek es Notestvereink elnek, a legmelyebb
egyutterzessel es megertessel Veletek aggodunk, es felhivasotokhoz
Kovetelestekhez, felszolitastokhoz csatlakozunk.Csatasorban allunk
mellettetek es hatvanyozva kerjuk es koveteljuk, Veletek egyutt, hogy
a meg "magyarul" erzo politikusok es az ellenzeki partok vezetoi a
legszorosabb egyuttmukodesre fogjanak ossze!
Ne legyenek tobbe repedesek magyarok kozott, ahova a liberalkozmo-
politak be tudnak fekozni, hogy ott tovabb bomlasszanak, fellazitsanak
es zsarolni tudjak a magyar nepet. Kerjuk az egymas iranti turelmet, meg-
ertest. Felreteve minden szemelyeskedest, onzo erdeket, hiusagot!
A kifosztott, tonkretett orszagbol pedig mielobb tunjenek el a Haza
kirabloi es ellensegei, akkor is ha a magyar nep veret, konnyet es
verejteket viszik zsakmanyul magukkal.
A sokat szenvedett nep megmenteset koveteli most minden nemzeti
erzesu magyartol a Haza!
Vilagosodjanak meg az elmek es a szivek! Isten adja, hogy ugy
Kalifornia, 1996 aprilis 2.
Langi A. Maria, ujsagiro,
Arpad Akademia tagja,
MAOSZ igazgatosagi tag
Baroness Evelyn Schlosser
Maltai Lovagrend Tagja
Katona Jenone
ref. lelkesz neje
Dr. Stur Judit
Dr. Dunai Magdolna
Kadas Judit
Corvinus Elnok
+ - | Re: "I love you" in many languages Re: Please help tran (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In vietnamese, anh yeu em " I love you"
On 2 May 1996, Fabio Bizzetti wrote:
> 3 words? not always so (i.e. in Italian you dont need to use the subject,=
> already in the tense).
> >"Jeg elsker dig."
> this was Danish I guess. (I love Denmark btw)
> I add:
> "Jag =C4lskar Dig" - Swedish (I love Sweden btw :))
> "Ti Amo" - Italian (I am Italian, btw)
> "Je T'Aime" - French
> "S'Agapo" - Greek
> "Te Amo" - Spanish (not sure)
> "Ich Liebe Dich" - German
> hmm.. no need to impress a girl this way 8-)
> Just watch her in the eyes and kiss her... 9-)
> It always worked for me :)
> /----------------------------------------------------------------------=
> | Fabio "Maverick" Bizzetti - - Maverick* at IRC =
> | The maker of "CyberMan" and "Virtual Karting" =
> | working on "VirtualRally" & "StarFighter" =
> \----------------------------------------------------------------------=
+ - | Re: Cenzura ! (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
> Hogy ez az elkepeszto hazugsagozon ne fulladjon kozrohejbe,
> termeszetesen nem maradt mas a "Hungary" lista tulajdonosanak,
> mint hogy CENZURAT VEZETETT BE - termeszetesen nem
> Kornai, Balogh, Fencsik es mas liberalis idiotak ellen, hanem
> mindazok ellen, akik (felhasznalva a "public.siliconvalley" domain
> altal nyujtott vedelmet) 1956-ert, es azaltal az adossagelengedesert
> kuzdenek.
evvel sajat magadat akarod mondani, ugye kedves "bandi-ili-judit-(vargy,
megnezem ezt is, ja!)-pisti"-kem.
ahogy a mamam szokta:
-hja... ha az embernek a butasagtol fajna a feje...
mond edes hydra-m... nem faj veletlenul a fejed?
+ - | Re: Wally & Poetics (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, (Wally
Keeler) wrote:
> Evidently this is just toooooo much for a few
> people to take. Although they have admitted to not being poets, they claim
> to be greater than the peers who have acknowledged my talents [I didn't say
> GREAT talents], they claim to be great literary critics with great insight
> as to what poetry is, what it should be, and that's that. Their judgement
> from on high. They inspect me with rigor [and why not] -- consequently the
> credentials of their judgement can be examined rigorously [and why not].
> And they have failed to present any credentials. Brigitta has posted
> supporting arguments from peers in the past and present. The literary
> critics of SCM have posted only their unsubstantiated opinions. Well, there
> is that old saw: Opinions are like assholes; everybody has one.
as do you, mon cher wally. or did you not pronounce the self-same
judgements upon my personage - ahm... without knowing one fucking thing
about me.
but i will tell you something. i shall not be posting my so called
credentials to usenet. because i do firmly believe (call it idiosyncratic)
that here, for once, the worth, the weight, of ones perspective may be
evaluated by one's *content*... and the context into which one injects
said content. credentials, at least to me, matter not one whit.
and your behavior, the context of your posts, often is questionable. all
too often.
first and foremost then, wally. a human being. thus, to qualify poetry, in
this environment, is subjective at best. not a position that is defensible
by credentials.
+ - | Re: This newsgroup (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
o-state.edu (Gyorgy Kovacs) says:
>>1) For someone who doesn't know the width of a monitor (press enter/return
>>before the right margin runs out, eh?) to lecture this group about the
>>Internet (actually, it's USENET mister, which is not quite the same, anyway)
>>betrays your stupidity.
>> George Szaszvari
>> Planet Earth,
>Earth to George, Earth to George, George come on!
>A lot of mailers and newsreaders enable the user to use your favorite Word
>Processor to write your letter or followup, and than send it. If it is a
>windows based one, and your default font is set to smaller than a 10cpi size
>(e.g. 8 points) than the width of your text will be more than 80 caracters. No
>if your fellow man somewhere else reads it on a 80 char. wide monitor in text
>mode, the lines will be somewhat disorganized (ko'cos). That has nothing to do
>with stupidity.
Yes, it is stupid when our friend presumes to lecture us on the rights and
wrongs of the Internet. Should one use a WP then one should make sure the
text fits inside the monitor's right margin on downloading. Just imagine
if you had to scroll horizontally through hundreds of such sloppy postings
a day. It's poor netiquette. A year or two back I had a discussion on just
this point with an ng moderator. He was (rightly) emphatic about the need
for text lines in postings to be less than 80 chars wide.
>And USENET is part of the Internet as the word Internet used in
>its wide interpetation.
I know what you mean, but in usenet.answers it is made clear that
Usenet and Internet, though pretty much inter-crossed these days are
still different networks. Some Usenet stuff isn't accessed by the Internet
(and vice versa.) Normally I wouldn't argue the toss, but going on-line
after a heavy day and seeing the verbal diarrhoea posted by Simon, I decided
to let rip. No, not terribly polite or diplomatic, but very therapeutic!
Anyway, sorry for the outburst....coming in to dock...retro-rockets ready..
George Szaszvari, DCPS Chess Club, 42 Alleyn Park, London SE21 7AA, UK
Planet Earth, Milky Way Galaxy * Cybernautic address:
Acorn..RISC OS * IBM PeeCee..PCDOS..Win-OS/2 * NW London Computer Club
ICPUG..Commodore=64 ** Interested in s/h chess books? Ask for my list!