1. |
The Name Game (mind) |
15 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
Hungarian FAQ (mind) |
27 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
Digesting the News (mind) |
36 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
Re: Digesting the News (mind) |
28 sor |
(cikkei) |
5. |
Re: Hungarian electronic resources FAQ (mind) |
41 sor |
(cikkei) |
6. |
Re: "NO JUNK MAIL" please, to soc.cult.magyar (mind) |
33 sor |
(cikkei) |
7. |
Uj magyar FAQ letrehozasa (mind) |
28 sor |
(cikkei) |
8. |
Re: Peto, Taxisblokad es Polgari Engedetlenseg (mind) |
161 sor |
(cikkei) |
9. |
request for comments: guidelines for appropriate postin (mind) |
31 sor |
(cikkei) |
10. |
Re: Are you interested in having penpals? (mind) |
55 sor |
(cikkei) |
11. |
Re: Are you interested in having penpals? (mind) |
55 sor |
(cikkei) |
12. |
Re: SMITH (mind) |
18 sor |
(cikkei) |
13. |
Re: 33 (thirtythree) in your lanquage. (mind) |
15 sor |
(cikkei) |
14. |
Information (mind) |
11 sor |
(cikkei) |
15. |
American Business (mind) |
10 sor |
(cikkei) |
16. |
Racism at Ferencvaros? (mind) |
8 sor |
(cikkei) |
17. |
Re: Are you interested in having penpals? (mind) |
55 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | The Name Game (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
"kovacs_istvan" is mistaken when he attributes special powers of
"Hungarianness" to the name Kovacs. Like "kalacs" or "szakacs",
the word "kovacs" is of Slavic origin. With various spellings
(Kovach, Kovac, with 'hacek' or without) it is worn proudly by
thousands of Czechs, Slovaks, Austrians, Hungarians, Croats, and
Slovenes. As it should be. It is a lovely name to have, especially
if you came by it honestly. It is no more and no less Hungarian
than "Zacsek" or "Csurka". As a nom de plume, or nom de keyboard,
I do find it a wee bit unimaginative. It is hard to account for
taste, but I don't see why "Kovacs" would be an improvement
over "Pellionisz".
Gabor Fencsik
+ - | Hungarian FAQ (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
As far as I know, the Hungarian FAQ is re-posted automatically
every month, whether or not it got updated by Zoli, Keeper of the
FAQ. The Net is in constant flux, and all Net-related information
is highly perishable. Hosts go up and down, homepages and list
distribution points get moved overnight, routes change, services
appear and disappear. Even altavista, the monster data base server
at DEC that is constantly vacuuming the Net at warp speed, has some
obsolete pointers in it from time to time.
The FAQ will always be somewhat out of date, with things missing or
in error. Zoli deserves thanks for trying to keep up with all this,
and doing it all on his own time. The number of sites and services
is now so large that the FAQ cannot possibly list everything. Hudir
(a.k.a. the Hungarian Yahoo) is trying to be comprehensive, but it
can hardly keep up.
I think the FAQ (and Hudir) should have pointers to the services of
siliconvalley.com. Absent evidence to the contrary, I assume that the
reason why it does not is that Zoli was busy, or distracted, or traveling,
or just never got around to putting a pointer in. A polite letter to him
requesting that he do so is far more likely to bring results than a public
denounciation for evil intent, liberal bias, and whatnot. I'll write to
him myself. I suggest that you do the same.
Gabor Fencsik
+ - | Digesting the News (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
The one value-added feature advertised for the "nemzetiforum" digest of
this newsgroup is the filtering of HIX messages. This is of course
precisely what has been doing since its inception. So
if you are looking for a feature that is a real market differentiator,
you have not found it yet. But you should keep trying. Competition
is a Good Thing.
Both "scm" and "nemzetiforum" suffer from the same inherent shortcomings
when it comes to digestifying Usenet content. Mailing lists and Usenet
News are structured in very different ways. Usenet has no central
distribution point; as a result, every site receives Usenet postings in
a different order. This is why threaded newsreaders have existed for over
10 years now. Without them, you would read articles essentially in random
order, with follow-ups often preceding the article they are responding to.
This happens on "scm" a lot, making it rather less useful than it could be.
So if you want to beat "scm" at something, you might think up a way to
arrange your digest in threaded order, instead of the chronological
order used by "scm". That might make it attractive to some readers,
and it might even cause some customers to switch from "scm" to your
service. May the better man win.
The main problem with both the "scm" and "nemzetiforum" is the concept
of news digests itself. Anyone who has a choice in the matter will
prefer to get information in a structured hypertext format, where one
can pick and choose what to read, rather than wade through long mail
messages cluttering up one's mailbox. The owner of "nemzetiforum" seems
to want to go after the market niche of the novice user in Hungary with
no Web and no Usenet access, but I doubt such a market niche really exists.
Even though PPP accounts are hard to get in Hungary, people can get to
the Web via lynx, and read the news with simple threaded readers. But
it's worth trying. Like most of Dr P's enterprises, it is probably
a non-starter, but it might keep him busy for a while.
Gabor Fencsik
+ - | Re: Digesting the News (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
On 4 Feb 1996, Gabor Fencsik wrote:
> Both "scm" and "nemzetiforum" suffer from the same inherent shortcomings
> when it comes to digestifying Usenet content. Mailing lists and Usenet
> News are structured in very different ways. Usenet has no central
> distribution point; as a result, every site receives Usenet postings in
> a different order.
This is a problem as far as the news side is concerned, but for two-way
gatewayed mailing lists like HIX proper (not SCM) on the Usenet ought to
be (instead of the current one-way email dump) there is a good solution:
make the group formally moderated, which means that news submissions would
go to the moderator address (where the list-server can receive and
redistribute them) instead of being posted right away.
Of course, what has become a predictable attack, my suggestion has been
labeled by Gotthard as attempt at censorship (while at the same time,
without acknowledging the irony of his ways, he also suggested that HIX
should be gone away altogether).
Zoli , keeper of <http://hix.mit.edu/hungarian-faq/>
<'finger '>
NOTE: spamsters and bulk emailers see 'X-Policy*:' in the
header for the charges to be imposed for net abuse!
KC2: Dudley+ (Grubor+)*2 (Fomin+++)/3 (cjames+)*3
SELLERS BEWARE: I will never buy anything from companies associated
with inappropriate online advertising (unsolicited commercial email,
excessive multiposting etc), and discourage others from doing so too!
+ - | Re: Hungarian electronic resources FAQ (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
On 2 Feb 1996, Tibor Odor wrote:
> Homonnai Mihaly, wrote on Feb 2:
> > Egy kerdesem lenne, Fekete Zolihoz, es a publikumhoz.
Kedves Mihaly!
Jelzem, a kerdesed nem jutott el hozzam mindeddig (es miutan a Useneten
sem latszik, noha Tibor es Fencsik Gabor valasza igen, kerdeses hogy a
publikum mekkora reszehez ert el). Javaslom, ha hozzam van kerdesed
probalkozz emaillel a cimre.
> > Ha mar a Zoli altal szerkesztett HER FAQ olyan szepen felsorolja a
> > magyar nyelvu levelezesi listakat, miert nem szerepel benne mondjuk a
> > Silicon valey-i Nemzet? Igy lehet hogy masok is kimaradnak belole,
> > nem csak a Nemzet?
Az bizony lehet - miutan mindentudo nem vagyok lehetnek listak amikrol
fogalmam sincs, es miutan mindenhato sem vagyok korlatozott idom es
energiam csak korlatozott mennyisegu munkat enged meg a felsorolason
dolgozni ;-( (pl. az isys.hu es masok is inditottak listakat a
kozelmultban, amiket meg nem volt erkezesem bevenni).
Konkretan a Nemzet kezeloi nem erdemesitettek arra, hogy ertesitsenek mit
csinalnak, magam pedig meg nem jutottam hozza utanajarni. De ha Te, Mihaly
vagy valaki mas megirja nehany bekezdesben, akkor azt beteszem. (Ha
kovetted a FAQ fejlodeset, lathattad hogy az elod Szemle is szerepelt -
emlekeim szerint meg jo ideig azutan is, hogy minden figyelmeztetes,
ertesites vagy magyarazat nelkul hirtelen eltunt.)
> > Koszi a valaszt, hozzaszolast.
Zoli , keeper of <http://hix.mit.edu/hungarian-faq/>
<'finger '>
NOTE: spamsters and bulk emailers see 'X-Policy*:' in the
header for the charges to be imposed for net abuse!
KC2: Dudley+ (Grubor+)*2 (Fomin+++)/3 (cjames+)*3
SELLERS BEWARE: I will never buy anything from companies associated
with inappropriate online advertising (unsolicited commercial email,
excessive multiposting etc), and discourage others from doing so too!
+ - | Re: "NO JUNK MAIL" please, to soc.cult.magyar (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
On 2 Feb 1996, T. Kocsis wrote:
> Nincs kifog=E1som az ellen, hogy egy m=E1sik csoportot gener=E1ljunk
> az =FAjs=E1goknak, (pl: soc.culture.magyar.news) de ne hivjuk .hix-nek,
> mert egyre t=F6bb m=E1s =FAjs=E1g is van.=20
A Hollosival valo elozetes konzultalasom alapjan ugy latszik, hogy=20
technikailag nem jo megoldas a kulonbozo szerverek altal kezelt listakat=20
egy csoportba tenni, ahogy legutobbi .listserv elkepzelesem tartotta=20
volna (el akartam kerulni a tul sok fele osztodast, de ugy nez ki ez=20
szukseges lesz a news/email ketiranyu forgalom esszeru megszervezesere).
Ugyhogy a modositott tervem az, hogy legyen minden ujsag-egyuttesnek=20
kulon alcsoportja, celszeruen a megfelelo domain nevevel jelezve: .hix,=20
..umd es ha a Nemzet kezeloi akarjak akkor .siliconvalley is (es=20
hasonloan, ha tovabbi szerverek lepnenek uzembe, azoknak is).
A Jozsi velemenye szerint ebben a felallasban nem lenne gond a digestalt
forma helyett egyedi cikkere bontva megjeleniteni a Useneten a HIX
irasokat, ami nagy elorelepest jelentene szerintem a news hasznalok
szamara. (Akit erdekel, hogyan nez ez ki, belekukkanthat a hun.lists.hix.*
csoportokba amik elerhetok a news.iif.hu vagy news.sztaki.hu NNTP
szervererol - a soc.* hierarchiaban azonban csak egy .hix lenne, a
kulonbozo listakat a 'Subject:' mezoben szereplo kulcsszo kulonitene el.)
Zoli , keeper of <http://hix.mit.edu/hungarian-faq/>
<'finger '>=20
NOTE: spamsters and bulk emailers see 'X-Policy*:' in the=20
header for the charges to be imposed for net abuse!
KC2: Dudley+ (Grubor+)*2 (Fomin+++)/3 (cjames+)*3
SELLERS BEWARE: I will never buy anything from companies associated
with inappropriate online advertising (unsolicited commercial email,
excessive multiposting etc), and discourage others from doing so too!
+ - | Uj magyar FAQ letrehozasa (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Kedves SCM olvasok,
Ha tobben ugy erzik, hogy Fekete Zoltan nem vegez tisztesseges -
targyilagos - munkat a FAQ karbantartasaval -, ketto dolgot lehet
csinalni. Megkerni Feketet Zoltant hogy lepjen le mint a FAQ
karbantartoja, vagy, letrehozni egy uj FAQ-ot, ami ferdites nelkul
tartalmazna az egesz magyar skalat Hollositol Pellioniszig.
Sajat tapasztalataim alapjan ugy erzem, Fekete Zoltan keptelen egy
ferditesek nelkuli FAQ-ot fenntartani. Tobbszori keresunk ellenere sem
volt hajlando a Hungarian American List informaciojat kicserelni; a
Maryland-i Hungarian American Association's "magyar Yahoo"
<http://mineral.umd.edu/hir/> oldala talan meg mindig nincs rajta a
FAQ-on - hacsak nem egy megszunt URL formajaban, amit tobbszor
kertunk megvaltoztatni.
Az hogy ennek mennyi koze van "libikhez, bolsikhoz, zsizsikhez vagy
Kadar jugendhez" - engem abszolut nem erdekel. Az sem, hogy Fekete
Zoltan tulsagosan elfoglalt ahhoz, hogy tisztesseges munkat tudjon
vegezni. Arra viszont szukseg lenne, hogy a FAQ, a mindenkori magyar
elektronikus forrasokat huen, ferditesek nelkul tartalmazza - lehetoleg
naprakeszen. Kesz lennek egy vitat nyitni itt az SCM-en - es egy
interaktive WWW oldalt letrehozni - egy uj magyar FAQ letrehozasarol.
Csutortokig tavol vagyok, nem tudom a hozzaszolasokat megvalaszolni.
+ - | Re: Peto, Taxisblokad es Polgari Engedetlenseg (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Na jo. Pozitivumkent ertekelem, hogy a szokasosnal joval kevesebb
szemelyeskedes volt a valaszodban. (Sajat magadhoz kepest, persze.)
Cserebe en is csokkentem a nevekkel kapcsolatos zsortolodeseimet. :-)
Szomoruan veszem azonban eszre, hogy kisszamu kerdeseimre sem
valaszoltal. Ezert ezeket megismetlem:
>Es ha te buncselekmenyrol tudsz, miert nem jelented te fel ennek
>elkovetojet ill. elkovetoit? Es ezzel meg is tortenne, hogy muszaj
>lenne hivatalosan foglalkozni az uggyel. Rajta! Es miert nem teszi ezt
>Szatmari ur, aki, felteszem, magyar allampolgar, es mint ilyennek
>torveny altal eloirt kotelessege feljelentest tenni, ha buncselekmenyrol
>van tudomasa?
Ide ird a valaszt: ...
In >, writes:
>(A "kiut", hogy
>Szatmari egy "senki" lenne eleg rohejes, mivel Jenot politologia
>doktorkent hivatasos hirszerzonek kepeztek ki, s ilyen mino-
>segben tobbek kozt Pozsgay, Horn, s legutobb Gal Zoltan az
>Orszaggyules alkalmazta, szerzodessel, penzert, profi munkaert.
>Sot, Peto irodajaban is eppen mint hivatasos hirszerzo volt,
>amikor koronatanuja lett annak hogy Peto Ivan szemelyesen
>iranyitotta az SZDSZ altal szervezett taxisblokadot).
Varjunk csak. Nekem ettol a pasas meg mindig senki. Neked pedig miota
referencia egy atkosban kikepzett profi hirszerzo, aki Pozsgaynak es
Hornnak dolgozott??? Es muszaj nekem elhinnem, amit hirszerzok irnak?
Nem lehet hogy most is "profi modon" dolgozik valaki megbizasabol abban
az ugyben, hogy bemartson masokat autentikusnak abrazolt elbeszelesevel?
>Sot, Peto irodajaban is eppen mint hivatasos hirszerzo volt,
Nem ilyen minosegeben volt ott. Legalabb a sajat magad altal szajkozott
idezetet olvasnad el pontosan!!! Ime, ezt irja Szatmari:
> Vasarnap reggeltol azutan mindent ertek. Hajnali fel hatra ugy
>dontok: nem eleg tiltakozni, a targyalasokon reszt vevoket kell segi-
>teni. Beautozok a Zichy utcaba, a taxisvezerkarhoz. Mutatom, mit
>hoztam. Horvathek lelkesen udvozolnek, azonnal nekiallnak feny-
>masolni. Hetre mar viszik a masolatokat Palotasnak es a tobbieknek.
>Akik sosem hasznaljak fel. De ugy nyolc oratol mar azt is tudom,
>hogy miert. Ugyanis Horvathek, amellett hogy egy minden bloka-
>don keresztuljutasra jogosito levelet adnak, elkuldenek a Merleg ut-
>caba, Peto Ivanhoz, a dokumentumaimmal. Meg nem ertem, hogy
>miert eppen oda, ha egyszer az SZDSZ nyilatkozatilag tisztazta:
>semmi koze a blokadhoz.
Tehat sajat maga akart a mas szamara osszegyujtott anyaggal belefolyni a
tortenesekbe; megbizasa nem volt. Oktalan fajta: meg hagyja magat
>Igy hogyhijjak baratunk avval szeretne most az egeszet elkenni,
>hogy a taxisblokad "polgari engedetlensegi mozgalom" volt.
Hulye vagy, nem mondtak meg? :-(((
>[...] elsokent azt kellene megallapitani a
>birosagnak, hogy a taxisblokad tettei buntenynek szamitanak-e
>(allamhatalom eroszakos megdontesere valo szervezkedes es annak
>vezeto szerepben valo iranyitasa), vagy pedig jogszeru "Polgari
>Elegedetlensegi Mozgalom" volt az esemeny (melyhez demokraciaban
>mindenkinek joga van).
Idezned nekem te, (vagy barki, aki esetleg ormotlan es unalmas
vitatkozasunkat henyen felarbocra eresztett szemheja alol asitasat
el-elnyomva meg - jobb dolga nem leven - valamennyire is figyeli) hogy
mely torveny mely passzusaban talalhato meg az altalad felemlegetett
"allamhatalom eroszakos megdontesere valo szervezkedes es annak vezeto
szerepben valo iranyitasa", vagy ehhez erdemben hasonlito buncselekmeny
megfogalmazasa es/vagy meghatarozasa? Nem csusztal te el nehany
evecsket, mondjuk vissza a Kadar-korszakba?
Az olyanra, hogy asszongya: "allamhatalom megdontese", na hat erre
nekem a proletardiktatura, a nep hatalma, zsirosbodon, a kettes
villamos, 56-os ellenforradalom (sic! hogy jo napod legyen),
munkasorseg es tsai jutnak az eszembe. A kettes villamos kivetelevel ez
a multe. Ma olyan lehetne, hogy kiserlet a kormany megbuktatasara, ez
pedig vilagszerte nepsport, nem pedig buncselekmeny.
Az altalad hon ahitott torveny idevago passzusanak idezeset ide kernem:
>[...] a koronatanu jogkore
>kimerul abban, hogy egy politikust aki azt nyilatkozta "az SZDSZ-
>nek nem volt resze sem szervezesben, sem iranyitasban" - HAZUGSAGON
>hallgatni, birosagon, feleskudve, nem csak Petot es Szatmarit, de
>azt is akinek Peto a parancsokat adta telefonon Szatmari fule
>hallatara! - Meg meg sok-sok egyeb szem es fultanut.)
Iszonyu tevedes! Eloszor is nincs koronatanu; az csak akkor van, ha
buncselekmeny is van, itt pedig meg nem tartunk. Akkor johetne a tanuk
kikerdezese. Addig politikai perpatvarrol van szo, egyes szemelyek
szavahihetosegerol. Hazudik Peto? Igen! Vagy nem. Vagy neha. Ki nem
szarja le? Mondanam, hogy akkor ne szavazz rajuk, de hal' istennek
nincs szavazati jogod. Ha bebizonyosodott, hogy gyulolt politikusod
hazudik, akkor orulj neki, meseld el mindenkinek (ugyis azt teszed), de
ne probald meg elmagyarazni, hogy minden hazug politikust bortonbe kell
zarni - megtelnenek a bortonok!
>Ha ugyanis a birosag elkenne az egeszet avval, hogy a taxisblokad
>"Polgari Elegedetlenseg" volt melyhez mindenkinek joga van demokraciaban,
>akkor lenne az egesz liberalbolsevik tarsasag igazan bajban.
>Evvel a "felhatalmazassal" ugyanis manapsag, [demagog szarsag torolve]
>VAN IGENYE, egy-ket pillanat alatt lehet teljesen spontan (vagy szervezett)
>"Polgari Elegedetlensegi Mozgalom", melyhez kepest a benzinarak 60Ft-ra
>valo felemelesekor tapasztalt berzenkedes fityfiritty volt.
>S persze e "Polgari Elegedetlensegi Mozgalomban" [tulipanos marhasag
>hogy ilyen "taxiblokad" mintaju akcio mero "Polgari Elegedetlensegi
>Mozgalom", melyet a liberalbolsevik rendszer epp az iment aldott meg!
>[uszito baromsag torolve]
Ha sikolto demagogiadtol, csusztatasaidtol, fullenteseidtol,
tulzasaidtol, uszitasodtol es duhrohamaidtol eltekintunk, nem is olyan
hulyeseg, amit irsz. (Ha megengeded, tovabbra is e modon fogom
roviditeni a szovegedet, amikor idezlek. Csak a javadat akarom. :-))
Valoban, lehetne ujabb taxisblokad. Mar csak azt nem ertem, hogy mit
szeretnel: legyen, vagy ne legyen? Bukjon a kormany, vagy ne bukjon?
Ha ne legyen blokad, akkor miert ne? Nem eleg rossz a helyzet talan?
(Dramai szinekben abrazolt, sajnos nem *helyi* tudositasodtol napokig
hideg lesz a labam.) Forradalmi latomasaidbol ugy itelem, nem lenne
ellenedre, ha ilyeten modon bukna meg a, ize, hogy nevezed:
"liberalbolsevik rendszer". Ha viszont lenne taxisblokad, akkor az _ez
esetben_ mar nem lenne "allamhatalom eroszakos megdontesere valo
Ide ird a valaszod: ...
>Kedves hogyhijjak baratunk, EZERT van a legszigorubb cenzura alatt
>mindaz, amivel Szatmari leleplezte Peto hazugsagait - hogy a fentiekre
>se igy, se ugy ne kerulhessen sor.
Nem "hogyhijjak", hanem Harrison Ford, szemelyesen. Nem csodalom hogy
rossz a nevmemoriad... ennyi nevet nekem is nehez volna a fejemben
>Kivancsian nezunk a fejvakaras eredmenye ele (de nehogy ver folyjek
Nezunk? Kik? Kovacs Istvan, Szucs Andras, Toth Jozsef es a tobbiek?
Harrison Ford,
szemed fenye
+ - | request for comments: guidelines for appropriate postin (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
I have observed the general lowering of the level of discourse on Usenet
in general, and our newsgroup in particular (due to mostly a small but
prolific fraction of the Usenetters). Would the audience here consider it
worthwhile to place into the FAQ (and perhaps the charter) some basic
pointers as to the appropriate postings, like:
Posters are requested to adhere to these common sense guidelines: some
ways of posting, that either appear to gear toward generating flame-wars
rather than discussions, or which are off topic for other reasons, are
considered inappropriate. These include most crossposts covering five or
more groups, and queries aimed at broad audiences (whether crossposted or
multiposted) that are not specifically related to Hungarian issues.
Generic advertisements of either personal or commercial nature, unless
they have some substantial connection with the subject matter of the
group, are also discouraged.
Personally I think that without reinforcing these kind of norms in the
common consciousness the utility of this potentially great medium is
deterioriating a lot.
Zoli , keeper of <http://hix.mit.edu/hungarian-faq/>
<'finger '>
NOTE: spamsters and bulk emailers see 'X-Policy*:' in the
header for the charges to be imposed for net abuse!
KC2: Dudley+ (Grubor+)*2 (Fomin+++)/3 (cjames+)*3
SELLERS BEWARE: I will never buy anything from companies associated
with inappropriate online advertising (unsolicited commercial email,
excessive multiposting etc), and discourage others from doing so too!
+ - | Re: Are you interested in having penpals? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
im' form the minn, usa. and originally from loas. sophmore, 21 yr
major pych. and pre-law. very athletic, love martial arts and have my
own studio. male 5ft 6in. want female penpal from laos,
thailand,cambodia, or vietnam
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Type: text/plain
From: Earth Friends >
Newsgroups: soc.culture.laos,soc.culture.latin-america,soc.culture.maghreb,soc.
Subject: Are you interested in having penpals?
Date: 28 Jan 1996 17:12:33 GMT
Organization: Earth Friends
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Message-ID: >
Are you interested in having penpals?
I run an international penpal and e-mailpal club called Earth Friends.
Earth Friends finds people of all ages penpals and e-mailpals in almost
every country imaginable.
To receive some information on how you can obtain penpals and or
e-mailpals, just send an e-mail including which country you live in and
which country or countries you are looking for penpals and or e-mailpals
P.O. Box 10202
Daytona Beach FL 32120-0202
fax: 904-788-9011
+ - | Re: Are you interested in having penpals? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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im' form the minn, usa. and originally from loas. sophmore, 21 yr
major pych. and pre-law. very athletic, love martial arts and have my
own studio. male 5ft 6in. want female penpal from laos,
thailand,cambodia, or vietnam
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Type: text/plain
From: Earth Friends >
Newsgroups: soc.culture.laos,soc.culture.latin-america,soc.culture.maghreb,soc.
Subject: Are you interested in having penpals?
Date: 28 Jan 1996 17:12:33 GMT
Organization: Earth Friends
Mime-Version: 1.0
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Message-ID: >
Are you interested in having penpals?
I run an international penpal and e-mailpal club called Earth Friends.
Earth Friends finds people of all ages penpals and e-mailpals in almost
every country imaginable.
To receive some information on how you can obtain penpals and or
e-mailpals, just send an e-mail including which country you live in and
which country or countries you are looking for penpals and or e-mailpals
P.O. Box 10202
Daytona Beach FL 32120-0202
fax: 904-788-9011
+ - | Re: SMITH (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
(Roberto Dominguez) wrote:
> wrote:
> : Hi,
> : My name is Scott Bostic and I am doing research on the SMITH FAMILY
> : Name. My Mother is a SMITH.
> : My Grandfather is JOHN F.SMITH from the LANCASTER, PA area.
> : His Father was FRANK A.SMITH also from LANCASTER.
> : I know that my SMITH FAMILY LINE Immigrated to the US in the about 1836
> : >From Uberfreck, Germany (now Switzerland).
> : I did a search for SMITHS on the NET and your name came up. If you
> : have any information that could help me out in my research, I would
> : appreciate hearing from you!
> : In particular I am interested in SMITHS from PA or Oringinally from
> : Switzerland.
> : Please Email me.
What kind of a fool are you?
+ - | Re: 33 (thirtythree) in your lanquage. (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
(Dr. Kohni Ling) wrote:
>There is a sublingual element of Asian people on Hokkaido who speak a
>dialect similar to Korean called Mario-Sup Bro II. (I'm conducting a
>post-doctoral study on this topic.) Thirty-three in that language is
>pronounced "awat tigoo syam."
Gee, I saw this line MANY years ago on the (US) program "Odd Couple".
Oscar got Felix to say this phrase over and over, faster and faster
(try it you all) until it finally dawned on him (Felix) what he was
Lot's of luck on your post doc...:)
+ - | Information (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
I am trying to locate a person.
Her maiden name was / is EVA ZIERER. Married name in the early sixties :GIARUSS
She was born in Budapest, Hungary June17 ,1939 . Until October 1956 she was a
student at the Vasutgepeszeti Technikum in Budapest . In early 1957 she
in California and lived with a family in Ocean City.
Any information would be very much appreciated. Thank you . O.F.
+ - | American Business (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
I represent an American Business that wishes to expand into Hungary.
If anyone living there is interested in working for an American Business,
please E-mail me. There are several openings available.
Even if you know someone else who is interested, please E-mail me. There
is no requirement that you know how to speak English.
+ - | Racism at Ferencvaros? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
World Soccer - Feb 96 coments on page 30:
"Now Ferencvaros have to qualify again and keep the momentum going
while sorting out the racist element which has attached itself to the
club and behaved so disgracefully during Ajax's visit."
Does anybody know what this refers to?
+ - | Re: Are you interested in having penpals? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
im' form the minn, usa. and originally from loas. sophmore, 21 yr
major pych. and pre-law. very athletic, love martial arts and have my
own studio. male 5ft 6in. want female penpal from laos,
thailand,cambodia, or vietnam
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Type: text/plain
From: Earth Friends >
Newsgroups: soc.culture.laos,soc.culture.latin-america,soc.culture.maghreb,soc.
Subject: Are you interested in having penpals?
Date: 28 Jan 1996 17:12:33 GMT
Organization: Earth Friends
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Message-ID: >
Are you interested in having penpals?
I run an international penpal and e-mailpal club called Earth Friends.
Earth Friends finds people of all ages penpals and e-mailpals in almost
every country imaginable.
To receive some information on how you can obtain penpals and or
e-mailpals, just send an e-mail including which country you live in and
which country or countries you are looking for penpals and or e-mailpals
P.O. Box 10202
Daytona Beach FL 32120-0202
fax: 904-788-9011