Hollosi Information eXchange /HIX/
Copyright (C) HIX
Új cikk beküldése (a cikk tartalma az író felelőssége)
Megrendelés Lemondás
1 Kerdesek (mind)  18 sor     (cikkei)
2 Wuerzburg (mind)  9 sor     (cikkei)
3 Vitamin, mint rizikofaktor? (mind)  49 sor     (cikkei)
4 nikomedia-izmit (mind)  18 sor     (cikkei)
5 foci (mind)  6 sor     (cikkei)
6 Apartment szerzodes (mind)  28 sor     (cikkei)
7 WEMS/INTERMAIL MESSAGE (mind)  15 sor     (cikkei)
8 IRC (mind)  17 sor     (cikkei)
9 irc.bevezeto (fwd) (mind)  100 sor     (cikkei)
10 IRC-2 (mind)  325 sor     (cikkei)

+ - Kerdesek (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

1.) Az ilyen hiper-szuper PowerPC az mennyiben kepes emulalni mondjuk
egy mezei 486-ost. (Mondjuk sajat magam kapcsolok egy programban vedett
uzemmodba en osztom fel a memoriat stb. Lefut-e ezek utan a programom
vagy azert ennel DOS kompatibilisebbnek kellene lennem?)?

2.) Tobbszor lattam mar valami SESAME(?) szotar hirdetest a HIX-en.
Mi ez a szotar, mit tud, hol lehet beszerezni stb.?

3.) Amikor Bardos Gyorgy arrol irt, hogy az ember problemainak magaba
folytasa hajlamosit a rakra menten az jutott eszembe, hogyhat pedig
ezek szerint a fejlett es foleg az amerikai mintara berendezett
orszagokban kellene akkor a legmagasabbnak lennie a rak elofordulasanak
hiszen ilyen kulturakban az emberek lehetoleg senkivel nem beszelgetnek
ha problemajuk van akkor azt tenyleg magukban kell, hogy oroljek.
(Vagy ennyire jo lenne a pszichoanalitikusokra tamaszkodo 'potkapcsolatok'

Zsoter Andras
+ - Wuerzburg (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Aki Wuerzburg koernyeken jar, melegen ajanlom figyelmebe a kivalo, 
kueloenleges zamatu, frank borokat ("Frankenwein"). Az egesz videk tele 
van kisebb-nagyobb pincegazdasagokkal, erdemes vegigjarni, 
kostolgatni - Nemetorszagban O,8 % veralkoholszintig meg lehet 
vezetni ... Szepek tovabba az - engem legalabbis - lapos koerteformara 
emlekeztetoe borosuevegek is, amelyek szinten helyi specialitasnak 

+ - Vitamin, mint rizikofaktor? (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

A "dohanyzas; egeszseges eletmod; riziko- es vedofaktorok stb."
temakorokhoz adalekul egy kis csemege inyenceknek:

"Egy Finnorszagban vegzett szeleskoru vitaminkiegesziteses tanulmany nem 
vart eredmenyre vezetett, mint ahogy errol a "The New England Journal of 
Medicine" '94. apr. 14-i szama beszamol.
Az "Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene (ATBC) Prevention Study"-nak nevezett 
klinikai kiserletet a National Cancer Institute es a Finnish National 
Public Health Institute vezette 1985 es 1993 kozott Finnorszagban. Ennek 
celja az volt, hogy megallapitsa, vajon az E-vitamin vagy a beta-karotin 
ellatas csokkenti-e a tudorak kialakulasat eros dohanyos ferfiak koreben. A 
Roche biztositotta a vitaminokat es a placebot a kettos vak kiserlethez, 
amiben majdnem 30.000 finn dohanyzo ferfi vett reszt, akik eletkora a 
vizsgalat kezdetekor 50 es 69 ev kozott volt, es atlagosan 36 even at napi 
20 cigarettat szivtak el.
Az eredmeny, ami a korabbi adatokkal nem magyarazhato es ezeknek ellentmond
, azt mutatta, hogy napi 50 mg/nap E-vitamin es/vagy 20 mg/nap beta karotin 
ellatas nem csokkentette szignifikansan a tudorak elofordulasat vagy a 
mortalitast ebben az erosen veszelyeztetett populacioban. So"t, meglepo 
modon a beta-karotin kiegeszitesben reszesult csoportban 18%-kal nott a 
tudorakos esetek szama es 8%-kal nott a total mortalitas.
Az E-vitamint szedettek csoportjaban nem valtozott szignifikansan a tudorak 
elofordulasa, viszont nagyobb szamban fordult elo agyverzesbol eredo halal 
(a "hemorrhagic stroke"-ot forditottam agyverzesnek). Ezzel szemben a 
prosztatarak elofordulasa csokkent."

Eddig az idezet (nyers forditasban) abbol a korlevelbol, amit Dominique 
Faessler, a "North American Vitamins and Fine Chemicals" elnoke igyekezett 
eljuttatni minden Roche (ti. Hoffmann-La Roche) alkalmazotthoz, no nem 
azert, hogy segitsen nekik a szakirodalom figyelemmel kisereseben, hanem 
azert, hogy a level tovabbi - itt nem idezett - reszeben kifejtse abbeli 
meggyozodeset, hogy ez a kiserlet inkonkluziv, es mindenkeppen tovabbi 
vizsgalatokra van szukseg. A fenti publikacio ellenere tovabbra is hisznek 
(hiszunk ? - tudniilik itt atvaltott tobbes szam elso szemelyre) abban, 
hogy az antioxidans vitaminok biztonsagos es fontos kiegeszitoi 
taplalekunknak, amik csokkentik a kockazatat szamos jelentos kronikus 
betegseg kialakulasanak.

Meg kell mondjam, engem teljesen meggyoztek Faessler ur biztato szavai, 
ugyhogy - jo Roche-alkalmazotthoz melton - nem hagyom abba, es csaladomtol
sem vonom meg a Roche uj buszkeseget, az "Antioxidant capsule" neven 
mostanaban forgalomba kerulo vitaminkevereket (C-vit, E-vit, beta-karotin).
(Csak azt nem ertem, mostanaban miert nem tudok kilabalni ebbol a 
jelentektelennek tuno nathabol, es egyebkent is miert jelentkeznek a 
szokasosnal erosebben a tavaszi faradtsag oszilegy-tunetei.)

Mindenkinek (kulonosen a dohanyosoknak) hosszu, vidam vitaminkurakat 
kivanok, udv
		Siklodi Botond
+ - nikomedia-izmit (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

---------- Forwarded message ----------

Nicomedia eredetileg Astacus neven volt ismert, ma Izmit. Isztambultol 
kelet-delkelet iranyaban kb. 80 km tavolsagban az Izmiti Obol partjan
talalhato  kb. 100,000 lakossagu varos.  Autobusszal es a
Haydarpasa-Anadolu jaratu vasuttal lehet megkozeliteni.  Thokolit az ottani
ormey temetoben temettek el, de hamvait 1906-ban Kesmarkra vittek

Rodosto-t Tekirdag neven lehet megtalalni a terkepen, kb. 120 km
Isztambultol nyugatra.  Mikor utoljara arra jartam a Rakoczi Emlekhaz
zarva volt de erdeklodesemre a gondnok beengedett.

Ket gyakorlati tanacs: nyaron mindket hely eleg meleg; vigyel furdonadragot es
palackos vizet vagy sort igyal csapviz helyett.  

+ - foci (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)


Egy ismerosom nem tud nyugodtan aludni, mig valaki meg nem irja a mult
hetfoi Fradi - Kispest meccs eredmenyet!  (Legyszi a fenti cimemre.)

Koszi,  L.Zoli
+ - Apartment szerzodes (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Kedves TIPP-elok!

Egy ketszobas apartment-ben lakunk Dallasban (TX) es ugy alakult, hogy a
berleti szerzodes lejarta elott ket honappal ki kell koltoznunk.
A szerzodes szerint ez a security deposit elvesztese mellett egy
un. reletting charge kifizetesevel jarna, ebben az esetben az egesz 600 
dollar folott van. Tudnank szerezni valakit aki atvallalna a lease-t 
a maradek ket honapra, de mivel csoro kozepeuropaiak nem laknak 
errefele ketszobas apartmentben (csak ha muszaj) az egy es ketszobas 
kozotti kulonbozetet mi fizetnenk. Ez igy kb. 400 dollarba kerulne.
A management szerint ha csak siman elmennenk es nem fizetnenk ki a 
reletting charge-ot (ami a legolcsobb valtozat) akkor az USA 
teruleten addig nem tudnank apartment-t berelni amig ezt az 
adossagot nem rendeztuk (ez hihetonek tunik minthogy az application-t 
eddigi tapasztalataink alapjan velemenyezesre (elbiralasra?) itt bekuldik 
az Texas Apartment Associationhoz). Minthogy ezutan 
is apartment-be kivanunk koltozni, meghozza ugyanazon  allamon 
belul, ha ez az informacio korrekt akkor a reletting charge nem-kifizetese 
lenne a legdragabb megoldas.

Azoknak akik hajlandok voltak kovetni a fenti optimalizacios problema
felvazolasat -- es azoknak is akik nem -- szolna a kerdesem:
Van-e valakinek tapasztalata ilyen ugyben, volt-e mar valakinek nehezsege  
(az USA-ban, esetleg Texasban) apartment berlesnel amiatt, hogy nem rendezte 
teljesen az elozo helyen az ugyeit? Esetleg megjelenhet-e egy ilyen eset 
a credit history-ban?

Koszonettel: Lauko Istvan
+ - WEMS/INTERMAIL MESSAGE (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

> =======================================================
> Felado : Bessko Csaba
> E-mail : 
> Temakor: Network telefonszam Magyarorszagon
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Kedves TIPP-elok!

Jelenleg Magyarorszagon vagyok (az USA-bol) es a helyi TYMNET vagy TELENET
vagy ami itt van telefonszamot szeretnem megkapni. Eddig mindig Brusszelt
vagy Londont hivtam, ill. hivom (ami eleg koltseges). A valaszokat a sajat
E-mail-emre kerem: , mivel mielott eljottem
ide lemondtam a HIX-i elofizetesemet.
Elore is koszonom!

Bessko Csaba, Pittsburgh, PA. USA
+ - IRC (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Kedves Tipp-elok,

Dr. Takacs Istvan s Molnar Miklos kerdeseire (TIPP 1360) ket
cim, amire telnettelhettek, 
Telnet tiger.univie.ac.at 6668   - becsi egyetem
Telnet   login: bbs  - kovesd az angol vagy kinai(!)
utasitasokat. Ez utobbi Taiwan-i egyetem

Ha fut a szisztema, ezt tedd, hogy a magyar csatornara lepj:
/join #magyar

Kulonben a nagy erdeklodesre s a sok levelre valo tekintettel, amit
kaptam elso IRC-vel kapcsolatos soraim utan, felrakok ket rovidebb 
ismertetot ide, egy hosszabb angol nyelvu ismertetot kuldhetek azoknak,
akik igenyt tartanak ra.

Varga Peter
+ - irc.bevezeto (fwd) (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

> ==========================================================
> Idopont: Tue Jun 15 20:10:12 EDT 1993
> Cim____: IRC-bevezeto
> ----------------------------------------------------------
>                            IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
> Egy multi-chat internet szolgaltatas, egyszerre tobb ember, tobb kulonbozo
> csoportban tud tarsalogni. Client-server modellen alapszik, azaz kell egy cli
> program a rendszerunkon, ami valamely server-rel egyuttmukodve kepes a fold k
> oldalan levo embereket interaktivan osszekotni.  
> A beszelgetesek un. csatornakon folynak, mindegyiknek kulon neve van,
> #-kal kezdodnek, pl. #Magyar. Ahhoz, hogy valaki tarsalogni tudjon masokkal,
> csatlakoznia kell valamely csatornahoz. Ha nem talal szamara erdekes csoporto
> keszithet maganak egyet. Ez roppant egyszeru, ha olyan csatornahoz kapcsolja
> magat, ami eddig meg nem letezett, akkor letrehozott egy ujat. Egy-egy
> csatornanak 'topic' adhato, ezzel lehet utalni a rajta folyo beszelgetes
> temajara.
> Az IRC elindulas utan (a servert megtalalta, az kesz fogadni a parancsokat) a
> kepernyo utolso soraban utasitasokat adhatunk ki, a tobbi reszen a server
> uzenetei, ill. maga a beszelgetes latszik. Minden parancs / jellel kezdodik, 
> ezt elfelejtjuk beirni, akkor a csatornankon levo osszes ember olvasni fogja 
> esetleg felresikerult uzenetunket.
> Az IRC-ben mindenkinek egyedi beceneve van, ez a becenev jelenik meg az illet
> egy-egy hozzaszolasa elott.  
> Az uzenetek a csatornan belul public jelleguek, mindenki olvashatja, de
> kiadhatunk private uzeneteket is, kizarolag egy szemelynek cimezve.  
> Nehany parancs:
> /HELP    eleg bobeszedu segitseg
> /LIST 
>          kilistazza az osszes csatornat, topic-kal, resztvevok szamaval egyut
>          -TOPIC parameterrel csak a topic-kal ellatott csatornak,
>          -MIN <N> csak a legalabb N tagu csatornak listazodnak ki.
> /JOIN #csatnev
>          A #csatnev csatornahoz csatlakozas, ez itt 'elhangzo' uzeneteket fog
>          latni.
> /NICK nev
>          'nev' lesz az uj becenevunk
> /QUIT 
>          vegleg kilep az IRC-bol
> /WHOIS becenev
>          Bovebb informaciot ad a becenev tulajdonosarol
> /MSG becenev uzenet
>          Privat uzenet a becenevnek.
> /LEAVE #Csatnev
>          Kilepes az eddig hasznalt csatornabol.
> /TOPIC #Csatnev cim
>          Egy rovid cim-et adunk a #csatnev csatornanak
> Rengeteg egyeb lehetoseg van meg, azokat nem reszletezem, akit erdekel, ugyis
> megtalalja. Lehet valakit pl. hivni egy csoportba, ha tudjuk, hogy benn van a
> IRC-ben, a csat.operator kirughat szemelyeket a csatornajabol (operator az, a
> letrehozta a csatornat), ignoralni lehet nem kivant emberek uzeneteit, stb...
> Az IRC unix-ra elerheto rengeteg ftp site-rol, pl a nic.funet.fi archie serve
> /pub/unix/irc/ircII/ircII2.2.6.tar.z file-ja egy eleg uj valtozat, konnyen
> installalhato.
> Nehany IRC client elerheto meg telnet-tel is, pl.:
> telnet hastur.cc.edu (vagy
> login: irc
> es maris fut az IRC. (jobb esetben)
> Sok sikert, remelem talalkozunk az IRC-n!
> Szklenar Joe
> (IRC nickname: [Joe] )
Remelem Joe nem banod, hogy becses munkadat igy kozrebocsatom.

Varga Peter
+ - IRC-2 (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

     IRC is a program that lets you hold live keyboard conversations 
with people around the world.  It's a lot like an international CB 
radio  - it even uses "channels."  Type something on your computer and 
it's instantly echoed around the world to whoever happens to be on the 
same channel with you.  You can join in existing public group chats or 
set up your own.  You can even create a private channel for yourself 
and as few as one or two other people.  And just like on a CB radio, 
you can give yourself a unique "handle" or nickname.
     IRC currently links host systems in 20 different countries, from 
Australia to Hong Kong to Israel.  
     Unfortunately, it's like telnet -- either your site has it or it 
doesn't.  If your host system does have it,  Just type
and hit enter.  You'll get something like this:
*** Connecting to port 6667 of server world.std.com                            
*** Welcome to the Internet Relay Network, adamg                               
*** Your host is world.std.com, running version 2.7.1e+4                       
*** You have new mail.                                                         
*** If you have not already done so, please read the new user information with 
+/HELP NEWUSER                                                                 
*** This server was created Sat Apr 18 1992 at 16:27:02 EDT                    
*** There are 364 users on 140 servers                                         
*** 45 users have connection to the twilight zone                              
*** There are 124 channels.                                                    
*** I have 1 clients and 3 servers                                             
MOTD - world.std.com Message of the Day -                                      
MOTD - Be careful out there...                                                 
MOTD -                                                                         
MOTD - ->Spike                                                                 
* End of /MOTD command.                                                        

     You are now in channel 0, the "null" channel, in which you can look 
up various help files, but not much else. As you can see, IRC takes over 
your entire screen.  The top of the screen is where messages will 
appear.  The last line is where you type IRC commands and messages.  All 
IRC commands begin with a /.  The slash tells the computer you are about 
to enter a command, rather than a message. To see what channels are 
available, type 
and hit enter.  You'll get something like this:
*** Channel    Users  Topic                                                    
*** #Money     1      School CA$H (/msg SOS_AID help)                          
*** #Gone      1      ----->> Gone with the wind!!!  ------>>>>>               
*** #mee       1                                                               
*** #eclipse   1                                                               
*** #hiya      2                                                               
*** #saigon    4                                                               
*** #screwed   3                                                               
*** #z         2                                                               
*** #comix     1      LET'S TALK 'BOUT COMIX!!!!!                              
*** #Drama     1                                                               
*** #RayTrace  1      Rendering to Reality and Back                            

<f=forward b=back  j=line down k=line up  q=quit /=search h=help> 

*** #NeXT      1                                                               
*** #wicca     4      Mr. Potato Head, R. I. P.                                
*** #dde^mhe`  1      no'ng chay? mo*? ...ba` con o*iiii                       
*** #jgm       1                                                               
*** #ucd       1                                                               
*** #Maine     2                                                               
*** #Snuffland 1                                                               
*** #p/g!      4                                                               
*** #DragonSrv 1                                                               
     Because IRC allows for a large number of channels, the list might 
scroll off your screen, so you might want to turn on your computer's 
screen capture to capture the entire list.  Note that the channels 
always have names, instead of numbers.  Each line in the listing tells 
you the channel name, the number of people currently in it, and whether 
there's a specific topic for it.  To switch to a particular channel, 
                /join #channel
where "#channel" is the channel name and hit enter.  Some "public" 
channels actually require an invitation from somebody already on it.  To 
request an invitation, type

                /who #channel-name
where channel-name is the name of the channel, and hit enter.  Then ask 
someone with an @ next to their name if you can join in.  Note that 
whenever you enter a channel, you have to include the #.  Choose one 
with a number of users, so you can see IRC in action. 
     If it's a busy channel, as soon as you join it, the top of your 
screen will quickly be filled with messages.  Each will start with a 
person's IRC nickname, followed by his message.
     It may seem awfully confusing at first.  There could be two or 
three conversations going on at the same time and sometimes the 
messages will come in so fast you'll wonder how you can read them all.  
     Eventually, though, you'll get into the rhythm of the channel and 
things will begin to make more sense.  You might even want to add your 
two cents (in fact, don't be surprised if a message to you shows up on 
your screen right away; on some channels, newcomers are welcomed 
immediately).  To enter a public message, simply type it on that bottom 
line (the computer knows it's a message because you haven't started the 
line with a slash) and hit enter.                             
     Public messages have a user's nickname in brackets, like this:
     If you receive a private message from somebody, his name will be 
between asterisks, like this:
     For more information on using IRC, see the IRC command box.  You 
can find discussions about IRC in the alt.irc newsgroup.         
     All is not fun and games on the Net.  Like any community, the Net 
has its share of obnoxious characters who seem to exist only to make 
your life miserable (you've already met some of them in the chapter on 
Usenet).  There are people who seem to spend a bit more time on 
the Net than many would find healthy.  It also has its criminals.  
Clifford Stoll writes in "The Cuckoo's Egg" how he tracked a team of 
German hackers who were breaking into U.S. computers and selling the 
information they found to the Soviets.  Robert Morris, a Cornell 
University student, was convicted of unleashing a "worm" program that 
effectively disabled several thousand computers connected to the 
     Of more immediate concern to the average Net user are crackers 
who seek to find other's passwords to break into Net systems and people 
who infect programs on ftp sites with viruses.
    There is a widely available program known as "Crack" that can 
decipher user passwords composed of words that might be found in a 
dictionary (this is why you shouldn't use such passwords).  Short of 
that, there are the annoying types who, as mentioned above, take a 
special thrill in trying to make you miserable.  The best advice in 
dealing with them is to count to 10 and then ignore them -- like 
juveniles everywhere, most of their fun comes in seeing how upset you 
can get. 
    Meanwhile, two Cornell University students pled guilty in 1992 to 
uploading virus-infected Macintosh programs to ftp sites.  If you plan 
to try out large amounts of software from ftp sites, it might be wise to 
download or buy a good anti-viral program.
    But can law enforcement go too far in seeking out the criminals?  
The Electronic Frontier Foundation was founded in large part in 
response to a series of government raids against an alleged gang of 
hackers.  The raids resulted in the near bankruptcy of one game
company never alleged to have had anything to do with the hackers, 
when the government seized its computers and refused to give them 
back.  The case against another alleged participant collapsed in court 
when his attorney showed the "proprietary" and supposedly hacked 
information he printed in an electronic newsletter was actually 
available via an 800 number for about $13 -- from the phone company 
from which that data was taken.

Note: Hit enter after each command.
/away         When you're called away to put out a grease fire 
              in the kitchen, issue this command to let others know 
              you're still connected but just away from your terminal 
              or computer for awhile. 
/help         Brings up a list of commands for which there is a help 
              file. You will get a "topic:" prompt.  Type in the 
              subject for which you want information and hit enter.  
              Hit enter by itself to exit help. 
/invite       Asks another IRC to join you in a conversation.

                        /invite fleepo #hottub
              would send a message to fleepo asking him to join you on 
              the #hottub channel.  The channel name is optional.
/join         Use this to switch to or create a particular channel, 
              like this: 
                        /join #hottub        
              If one of these channels exists and is not a private 
              one, you will enter it.  Otherwise, you have just 
              created it. Note you have to use a # as the first 
/list         This will give you a list of all available public 
              channels, their topics (if any) and the number of users 
              currently on them.  Hidden and private channels are not 
/m name       Send a private message to that user.
/mode         This lets you determine who can join a channel you've 
                        /mode #channel +s
              creates a secret channel.
                        /mode #channel +p
              makes the channel private
/nick         This lets you change the name by which others see you.
                        /nick fleepo
              would change your name for the present session to 
              fleepo. People can still use /whois to find your e-mail
              address.  If you try to enter a channel where somebody 
              else is already using that nickname, IRC will ask you to 
              select another name.
/query        This sets up a private conversation between you and 
              another IRC user.  To do this, type
                        /query nickname
              Every message you type after that will go only to that 
              person.  If she then types
                        /query nickname
              where nickname is yours, then you have established a 
              private conversation.  To exit this mode, type
              by itself.  While in query mode, you and the other 
              person can continue to "listen" to the discussion on 
              whatever public channels you were on, although neither 
              of you will be able to respond to any of the messages 
/quit         Exit IRC.
/signoff      Exit IRC.
/summon       Asks somebody connected to a host system with IRC to 
              join you on IRC. You must use the person's entire e-mail
              would send a message to fleepo asking him to start IRC.  
              Usually not a good idea to just summon people unless you 
              know they're already amenable to the idea; otherwise you 
              may wind up annoying them no end. This command does not
              work on all sites.
/topic        When you've started a new channel, use this command to let
              others know what it's about.
                        /topic #Amiga
               would tell people who use /list that your channel is meant
               for discussing Amiga computers.
/who <chan>   Shows you the e-mail address of people on a particular 
                        /who #foo
              would show you the addresses of everybody on channel foo.
              by itself shows you every e-mail address for every person 
              on IRC at the time, although be careful: on a busy night
              you might get a list of 500 names!
/whois        Use this to get some information about a specific IRC 
              user or to see who is online.  
                        /whois nickname
              will give you the e-mail address for the person using 
              that nickname.  
                        /whois *
              will list everybody on every channel.
/whowas       Similar to /whois; gives information for people who 
              recently signed off IRC.
     You can find discussions about IRC in the alt.irc newsgroup. 
     "A Discussion on Computer Network Conferencing," by Darren Reed 
(May, 1992), provides a theoretical background on why conferencing 
systems such as IRC are a Good Thing.  It's available through ftp at 
nic.ddn.mil in the rfc directory as rfc1324.txt.
     For a good overview of the impact on the Internet of the Morris 
Worm, read "Virus Highlights Need for Improved Internet Management," by 
the U.S. General Accounting Office (June, 1989).  You can get a copy via 
ftp from cert.sei.cmu.edu in the pub/virus-l/docs directory.  It's 
listed as gao_rpt. 
     Clifford Stoll describes how the Internet works and how he tracked 
a group of KGB-paid German hackers through it, in "The Cuckoo's Egg: 
Tracking a Spy through the Maze of Computer Espionage," Doubleday 