1. |
Re: "I love you" in many languages Re: Please help tran (mind) |
21 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
Re: New Polish-American Online Magazine! (mind) |
1 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
Unnepelyes Megemlekezes!!! (mind) |
7 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
Re: Help translating a word (Eng-to-Magyar) (mind) |
11 sor |
(cikkei) |
5. |
Zoltan Fekete appears to be a congenital liar (mind) |
109 sor |
(cikkei) |
6. |
Hungarian Electronic Resources FAQ (mind) |
22 sor |
(cikkei) |
7. |
Now It Can Be Told (mind) |
50 sor |
(cikkei) |
8. |
Re: Fekete Zoltan es a HIX etikatlansagai (mind) |
29 sor |
(cikkei) |
9. |
Re: SCM: Want to sell a car!! (mind) |
57 sor |
(cikkei) |
10. |
Hungary s 1100 Year Anniversary!!! (mind) |
13 sor |
(cikkei) |
11. |
Re: Political Correctness (mind) |
19 sor |
(cikkei) |
12. |
Re: Fencsik-hoax (mind) |
58 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | Re: "I love you" in many languages Re: Please help tran (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
(schoonjans) wrote:
> In article
> >, Ricardo
> Alberto Miranda > wrote:
> > On 1 Feb 1996, Monica Fernandez wrote:
> >
> > > Ola, vou tentar de novo mandar alguma outra maneira de dizer i love you
> > > (acho que houve um pequeno erro, desculpa :))
> > >
> > > Espanhol: te quiero ou te amo
> > > Catalao: t'estimo
> > > Francaise: je t'aime.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> Polish: kocham cie
Swedish: jag älskar dig
+ - | Re: New Polish-American Online Magazine! (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
+ - | Unnepelyes Megemlekezes!!! (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Magyarorszag 1100 eves, es az 1956-os Szabadsagharc 40 eves
Szombaton, Junius 15.-en del utan 4 orakor.
State of Illinois Building
100 West Randolph
Chicago, Illinois
+ - | Re: Help translating a word (Eng-to-Magyar) (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
On 13 Feb 1996, Imre Olajos, Jr. wrote:
> I think, the Hungarian fe'nyes or fe'nylo" comes closest to [lucent]
Except that the English name perhaps plays with the association with 'lucid'
(I don't have a better translation either).
Zoli , keeper of <http://hix.mit.edu/hungarian-faq/>
# Wallace Sayre said, "Academic politics is the most vicious and bitter
# form of politics, because the stakes are so low." He didn't know
# Usenet: welcome to the next level. (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold)
+ - | Zoltan Fekete appears to be a congenital liar (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
IDEZET Fekete Zoltan levelebol:
<JT> Hollosi az MIT.EDU-n naponta utankozli ezt a Soc.Culture.Magyar-t!
<ZF> Amint ezt mar letargyaltuk: Hollosi semmit sem kozol az "MIT.EDU"-n, es
az SCM lista egyebkent is egyszeruen news-to-email gateway, nem utankozles.
TENY (igy jelenik meg Hollosi neve alatt NAPONTA az SCM-bol egy valogatas):
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Issue____________: *** SCM 244 ***
Date_____________: Fri Feb 9 00:16:04 EST 1996
Publisher________: Hollosi Information eXchange /HIX/ <<---
Disclaimer_______: Authors bear full responsibility for their articles.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
HIXWEB___________: http://hix.mit.edu/friss2/ or http://hix.mit.edu/ <<----
ARENA____________: telnet hix.hungary.com
HUDIR____________: http://www.hungary.com/hudir/
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
A nyillal megjelolt sorokban lathato volt multkor is, most is, hogy
(1) Hollosi etikatlansagot kovet el azaltal hogy sajat neve alatt
utankozli az SCM-et (ha utankozolni nem szabad)
(2) Fekete Zoltan hazudik, hogy Hollosi "semmit sem kozol az MIT.EDU-n"
(ld. http://hix.mit.edu/friss2/ or http://hix.mit.edu/)
(3) Ha pedig utankozolni szabad, akkor Hollosi etikatlansagot kovet el
hogy megis ugyanilyen "vetseg" miatt kicenzurazta a "siliconvalley.com"
domain osszes hasznalojat a HIX minden szolgaltatasabol
Mint emlitettem, az SCM utankozlese az MIT.EDU alatt ugyanilyen alapon
avval kellene hogy jarjon, hogy az MIT.EDU osszes hasznalojat, beleertve
az osszes MIT diakot es oktatot el kellene tiltani. Fekete es Hollosi
modszeret kovetve whois-zel megallapithato az MIT.EDU bejegyzett
whois mit.edu
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT-DOM)
Cambridge, MA 02139
Domain Name: MIT.EDU
Administrative Contact, Technical Contact, Zone Contact:
Schiller, Jeffrey I. (JIS)
(617) 253-8400
Record last updated on 14-Jan-94.
Record created on 23-May-85.
Domain servers in listed order:
Igy tehat tole, illetve az MIT Chancellor-jatol lehetne kovetelni hogy
Hollosi altal elkovetett es Fekete altal lehazudott etikai vetseg
Fekete Zoltan hazugsagainak az a resze, hogy Hollosi SCM utankozlese
az MIT.EDU-n csak "gateway", meg erdekesebb. Egyreszt, mint tudjuk, ez
nem igaz, mert az SCM-bol nem mindent utankozol, csak valogatast.
Masodszor (es foleg) a Nemzet PONTOSAN UGYANILYEN "gateway"-kent
szolgalt a BLA hiranyagnak --- tehat Hollosi vagy azert etikatlan,
mert ugyanezt a gateway-ezest csinalta, vagy pedig azert mert olyasmit
tiltott masoknak, amit maganak megengedett.
Legerdekesebb azonban az, hogy MIERT folyamodott a Nemzet a BLA anyag
web->net gateway-ezesehez. Igen jo, hogy Fekete lehozta a BLA "kozlemenyet",
hiszen ebbol egyreszt lathato, hogy nincs szukseguk fogadatlan prokatorokra,
masreszt annak ismereteben hogy a Nemzet-nel sohasem tiltakoztak, ugyanakkor
a HIX-el is "egyeterteni" igyekeztek, lathato hogy a BLA ketarcu e
dologban. Ugyanugy, mint ahogy az OMRI ketarcu volt, amikor Balogh azt
hazudta hogy egy konkret Nemzet-szamban nem volt benne a hivatkozas
(holott benne volt). A BLA-nak meg tobb oka van a ketarcusagra. Nem csak
amiatt, hogy mint (tobbarcu) MDF-intezmeny, maga is tobbfele allaspontot
kepvisel, de amiatt is hogy a BLA igen elegedtelen volt Hollosival ahogy
o a BLA anyagot kezelte. A BLA az anyag "net"-en valo szorasat (ugy mint
a TIPP, stb) szuksegesnek latta, Hollosi viszont honapokig csakis a "web"-
en hozta a BLA-t, jol tudva hogy abban a pillanatban amikor a BLA anyag
net-re kerul, lesopri a palyarol a "Hirmondo"-t, mert ki lesz bolond
penzt fizetni kevesebb, ritkabb es elfogultabb "Hirmondo"-ert amikor
ingyen kaphatja a tobb, surubb es elfogulatlanabb "BLA"-t a neten!?
Vegul is a "Nemzet" altali "gateway"-ezes volt az, ami Hollosit par honap
utan kenyszeritette arra hogy a BLA-nak eleget tegyen es, hogy sok-sok
het keses utan vegre elerhetove tegye a BLA-t a net-en! Koszonet helyett
persze a Hirmondo-baratai (mindenki tudja, hogy mifelek) alaposan
nekiestek a Nemzet-nek, sot (teljesen indokolatlan es etikatlan modon)
meg a domain-tulajdonosnak is, sot meg a domain osszes (teljesen
artatlan) tobbi hasznalojanak is.
Mindenki jol el tudja kepzelni, hogyan kiabalnanak kigyot-bekat, ha
Hollosi MIT.EDU-n valo SCM-utankozlese miatt az MIT Chancellor-jat,
Domain-tulajdonosat venne barki celba, vagy eltiltana az MIT osszes
diakjat, oktatojat es dolgozojat valamilyen Internet-elerestol!
Szerencsere Hollosi/Fekete fenti peldaja kivalo illusztraciot ad
a kek media hegemonia-modszereire es cenzurazasaira, igy az olvasok
nagy okulasara szolgal. Egyszersmind bemutatja Fekete Zoltan hazug
voltat is, mely tulajdonsag alkalmatlanna teszi ot arra, hogy a
"faq-keeper"-je maradhasson.
Joseph Toth
+ - | Hungarian Electronic Resources FAQ (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
I have deposited a HyperNews version of the FAQ at URL:
The HyperNews pages are interactive, anybody can add her/his favourite page.
Please, include your comments on the pages (HyperNews),or, send your
additions, corrections to the UMCP Hungarian American Association's address:
As soon as enough significant material is collected, we are going to
start the distribution of the new FAQ - hopefully, this time, as opposed
to the current FAQ - without any disturbing bias.
Volunteers are more than welcome!
Best regards,
Gotthard Saghi-Szabo
Carnegie Institution of Washington, D.C.
+ - | Now It Can Be Told (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
"Joseph Toth", publisher of "NEMZET", asserts he has a right to republish
materials produced by the Batthyany Foundation because
> "Nemzet" negotiated with Batthyany-Foundation the use of their material,
> both by phone and fax. No objection. To "third party volunteers", meddling
> in a BLA-Nemzet issue, the message is brief: "mind your own business".
Excellent point. No doubt this is exactly what happened. "NEMZET" did
the negotiating by phone, by fax, and perhaps also by carrier pigeon.
Unfortunately, telephone lines get garbled sometimes. Also, faxes get
smudged, and carrier pigeons get lost along the way. This is why the
Batthyany Foundation was unaware of the agreement they concluded with
Pellionisz and Co. They even went to the trouble of making a public
protest against the ongoing piracy of their work by the "NEMZET". Not
once but several times. Must have been a mixup of some kind. Sometimes
things like that happen in large organizations. The right hand doesn't
know what the left hand is doing.
Unfortunately, the protest letters posted by the Batthyany Foundation
appeared in a great many places, including this newsgroup. There might be
some 50,000 people out there who could have seen these misleading protest
letters. They must all be very confused. Who knows, they may even be
under the mistaken impression that NEMZET was engaging in copyright piracy.
I am sure you agree it is important to straighten them out. I think your
credibility as a publisher of a "world newspaper" would be greatly enhanced
if you could explain to those 50,000 people how such a misunderstanding
could have arisen. Inquiring minds want to know.
How you want to accomplish this is your business. You might, for example,
scan in the fax you received from the Batthyany Foundation, and post it
to this newsgroup as a uuencoded GIF file. Be sure the date and signature
are clearly visible. Or if you have a tape recording of the phone
conversation in question, the wizards at silicone.com can easily transform
it into a .wav file, and post it here. Of course, the most persuasive way
to handle this would be a short letter from the Batthyany Foundation
explaining who authorized the "NEMZET" to publish their material, when did
they authorize it, and how it came about that they filed a public protest
against an arrangement they had "no objection" to. In case you need to
refresh their memory, the original protest note may be found at:
And one more thing: don't bother to post the Foundation's letter yourself.
Ask the Batthyany Foundation to post it. It might carry more weight that
way. You know how it is, with all those skeptics out there.
Gabor Fencsik
+ - | Re: Fekete Zoltan es a HIX etikatlansagai (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In >, (Odor Tibor) writes:
>On 10 Feb 1996 Joseph Toth wrote:
>>Csatlakozom Gotthard Saghi-Szabo javaslatahoz, hogy Fekete mondjon le,
>>illetve ha nem hajlando, szavazzunk, hogy ki legyen a "faq keeper".
Ertsetek mar meg vegre: az csinal faq-t, aki akar. Csinaljatok,
amennyit jolesik, amilyet jolesik! Szavazzatok, amennyi beletek fer!
De mi a franc az, hogy "mondjon le"??? Mirol mondjon le? A jogarol,
hogy o is, mint barki, osszeallitson szabadidejeben, ingyen egy
faq-t? Hol eltek ti???
>Mivel a mai legnepszerubb part vezetojenek tanacsadoja, aki alkotmany jogasz,
>es az alkotmanybirosag egyik, 1993-as hatarozata szerint alkotmanyellenes
>ha a mediat es a sajtot kizarolagosan kontrolalja egy politikai csoport,
>ezert bizhatunk benne, hogy ez, a jelenlegi allapot, ha kell erovel,
>de meg lesz szuntetve, termeszetesen az alkotmanyossag es a jog keretei
>Odor Tibor
Legforrobb gratulacioimat fogadd. Vilagosits mar fel, hogy melyik
alkotmany jogi keretei kozott probalsz majd megszuntetni "ha kell,
erovel", milyen jogtalan allapotot? Milyen politikai csoport
kontrollalja az internetet?
Nagy Peter
+ - | Re: SCM: Want to sell a car!! (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
> Antworten an:
> Von: Sanne Nolst Trenite >
> Betreff: SCM: Want to sell a car!!
> Absendedatum: Mon, 12 Feb 1996 23:21:22 +0100
> Organisation: Rechenzentrum Universitaet Hohenheim
> Hi all hungarians here on the internet,
> This summer me and my dutch-hungarian boyfriend will be going to
> hungary to visit his family and basicly travel the whole country.
> We thought about buying an old car here in Holland and drive it to
> hungary. Since we can't use it here, because it's too expensive to
> park and all, we'd like to sell it in Hungary.
> Does any of you know if this is possible?
> Does anybody know which cars are most in favor and whether we can
> exchange the hungarian currency into other currencies.
> My boyfriend has an hungarian passport so maybe this will help us.
> I hope someone in this group has some information for us.
> Please reply to:
> Thanks,
> Sanne Nolst Trenite
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> subs/unsubs info - mailto:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
I dont thik it would be a good solution, since you can't import cars
to Hungary, wich ar older, then six years. The younger cars are
more expensiv, and in Holland you have to buy an international
insurance for two weeks or a month (in Germany it costs about 70$ a
week) and buy an exportsign fort the car. On the border of the
European Community you have to fill the export forms (or pay about 20
DM to a spedition company, because you have to put some codes into
the form you have never heard of).
Then in Hungary you have to pay Tax + VAT (relativ high), and then
you have to pay for a new provisorical car sign and Hungarian
insurance. Then the car has to pass a technical check. It costs
money, too. If it was sucessed, you have to buy the normal hugarian
car signs (these are the third signs). If you have paid the yearly
automobile Tax (Weigttax), you may drive the car and you only have to
find someone, who would buy it.
Since the Hungarian car prices are higher, then in Holland, it's
still possible, that you would have a profit, for example if the car
had a little accident and it makes the price in Holland lower, and
then you let fix it in Hungary (cheeper).
But I think because of the whole administrativ stuff you wouldn't
enjoy your holiday.
Good luck
+ - | Hungary s 1100 Year Anniversary!!! (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
A celebration of Hungary's 1100 year Anniversary and a remembrance of the
1956 Fight for Freedom's 40 year Anniversary.
Saturday, June 15 at 4 PM
State of Illinois Building
100 West Randolph
Chicago, Illinois
A celebration complete with exhibits, booths, folk-dancing, and singing! A
reception will follow the program! Come one, come all!!!
+ - | Re: Political Correctness (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article > Karoly Huszar,
>You seem to have an (intelligent) comment on just about any topic...
>which is ok...:-)
>I guess the relatively low "traffic" on SCM is to be blamed.
You are right. Back in the past we argued on several times why so
few contributors we had. The conclusion was that because we have
boring topix. You might know my preference is politics and history
and I prefer to talk about them.
If there were more writers around, It would not be so 'overwhelming'
my presence. Then I wouldn't follow-up thise soccer thread for instance
because, I tell you frankly, I am not interested in soccer at all. I did
to create some traffic on a topic which used to be hot stuff.
And by the way i don't like seeing polite questions beeing around long
+ - | Re: Fencsik-hoax (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In >, (Peter Szaszvari) writes:
>In article >,
> wrote:
>[szokasos torolve]
>>Joseph Toth
>Szomoruan latom, hogy nem internet publisher tobbe. Mi most?
>Peter Szaszvari
Uj kerdes! Az alabbi, TIPP-en megjelent hozzaszolast elolvasva
kerdeznem, mitol tanult meg Toth ur hirtelen ilyen viragosan magyarul,
ill. annak idejen miert nem tudott meg hozzavetolegesen sem helyesen
irni, sem magat akar kozelitoleg is szabatosan kifejezni? Mire veljem
ezt a meses fejlodest?
Nagy Peter
>Felado : [United States]
>Temakor: Nemzet-re feliratkozas/megallitas ( 33 sor )
>Idopont: Fri Dec 1 15:37:22 EST 1995 TIPP #1951
>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>Akiket erdekel azoknak:
> (1) Miota a posta lada fel van fedezve, mindig lehet talalni benne uj
>"sample" kuldeseket. Regi postan is igy van. Sokszor elkezd jonni egy papir
>ujsag csak ugy.Penzt hiaba kernek onkent kuldesre. Az meg van tiltva. De a
>kuldes nem.Nagyon sok csinalja.Internetben is van igy. Meg a HIX-be is. De
>a papir kosar is fel van fedezve regen. Oda lehet dobni pl. ha a
>Cereal-sample nem kell. A computeren konnyebb mert van egy gomb, meg kell
>nyomni.Nem is kell download-ni ehez, olvasni plane nem muszaj.A delete-hez
>valo kis vilany semibe nem jon.
> (2) A "Nemzet"-et persze hogy meg lehet rendelni es meg is lehet
>ahogy mas dolgokat a neten:
> Subject-be: ide semmi characternek nem szabad jonni!
> Letter-be: ide semmi characternmek nem szabad jonni!
> (3) Sokszor van az (sok jott Magyarorszagbol!) hogy mas cimrol
>akartak lemondani mint ahova kiment.Jott par "lemondas"Magyarorszagi
>SysManager-ektol user reszere. Azert hogy ne mondhassak le az ujsagot mas
>"jo akarok" mint aki kapja, az ujsag nem listserv-el van ki kuldve es csak
>onnan lehet megallitani ahova kimegy. Ez az olvasok vedelmebe van!
> (4) Az is sokszor van hogy a subject-be,sokszor a szovegbe is van
>iras. Sokszor jo indulatos, van amikor nem jo. A gep az irasos leveleket
>felre teszi processalas nelkul akkor is ha csak egy character feleslegesseg
>van hogy el lehessen olvasni. Ezek a leveleknek a processzusa (olvasasa)
>nem gyorsan van.
> (5) Van par level akinek mintha nem tetszene semmi amibe "nemzet" szo
>van. Egy ember peldaul irta hogy mindig delete-olja el olvasas helyett
>es kulonben is milyen rossz a style-je a hireknek.(!) A Bodnar Daniel bisztos
>nevetni fog hogy a delete-gomb sem tudja el pusztitani a style-jet.
> (6) Erdekes cimekrol vannak subs-ok, pl. worldbank.org, stb.
>Neveket persze a "Nemzet" soha nem mond meg vagy at ad senkinek.
> (7) Kelemes olvasast kivan Joseph Toth, editor