A chernobyl-i esemenyekhez fuzodo, eddig "el nem kepzelheto"
mutaciokrol van szo tobbek kozott a New Scientist 2 cikkeben:
Chernobyl's vole spring a genetic surprise (1995 Aug. 12; p 14)
("..Mutations in the DNA of voles found in the "hot zone" around the
devastated Chernobyl nuclear plant are cropping up at a far higher
rate than expected..." = Az elpusztitott chernobyli nuklearis eromut
korulvevo "forro zonaban" talalt ....(ragcsalo: Cricetidae,
Microtinae; nem tudom magyar nevet)..-k DNS-eben ez elvartnal sokkal
magasabb aranyban jelentkeznek mutaciok...);
A masik az 1996 aprilis 27-i szamban a 6. oldalon talalhato: Mutation
rate doubled in Chernobyl's children... = A mutacios arany
megduplazodott a chernobyli gyerekekben..
Istvan Pajor
Dept. Zoology & Entomology
University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg
Private Bag X01
Scottsville-Pietermaritzburg 3209
tel.: +27-331-2605126
fax.: +27-331-2605105
Dear colleague:
If you are person who has extensive skills or knowledge in the
environmental field you may be interested in becoming a "REC Expert".
We are looking for environmental experts who can offer advice and
assistance that can help solve all kinds of environmental problems.
We would like to invite you to participate in the REC's latest
initiative, the Regional Environmental Expert Database (REED). The
primary goal is to provide access to environmental expert information
in order to help stakeholders solve environmental problems and
participate in environmental issues. A secondary goal is to promote
cross-sector networking and information exchange between environmental
experts from the CEE region.
If you think you are qualified as an environmental expert and you are
located in the Central and Eastern Europe, please fill out the
attached expert form and return it to the Regional Environmental
Center. Please feel free to copy and freely distribute this expert
form to your colleagues and partners.
Thank you for your time and effort.
Sincerely yours,
Ivelin Roussev
Information Services Officer
REED Project Coordinator
> =====================================================================
Regional Environmental Expert Database (REED)
Thank you for participating in the Regional Environmental Center's
Regional Environmental Expert Database (REED). To ensure legibility,
please type all information. You may attach supporting documents
(curriculum vitaes, papers, projects, general information) when this
form is submitted. Keywords should be based on UNEP Infoterra
Thesaurus of Environmental Terms available from
Please feel out the attached REED Expert Form and e-mail it to:
1) Name:
last first middle
2) Title: [] Mr. []1Ms. [] Dr. [] Prof. [] Other: __________________
3) Position: _____________________
4) Organization name: ______________________________________________
5) Organization type:
[] Academic [] Business [] Government [] NGO
[] Other: _____________________
6) Department: Department description in keywords: (broad terms)
______________________ _______________________________
______________________ _______________________________
7) Mailing Address:
(street, number)
(city, postal code, country)
8) Telephone: __________/______________/_____________
Fax: __________/______________/_____________
country code) (city code) (number)
9) E-mail address:
Internet e-mail:
(user ID) (node)
Other network e-mail: _____________________________________________
10) Internet host address of your organization (if available):
gopher://___________________________, telnet://______________________
http://_____________________________, ftp:// ________________________
11) Area of expertise in keywords:
A)Category: Energy b)Sub-category: Energy production and use
c)Term within Sub-category: Energy Efficiency
Category Sub-category Term
1: a) ____________ b) ______________ c) __________________
2: a) ____________ b) ______________ c) __________________
3: a) ____________ b) ______________ c) __________________
12) Native Language
13) Other languages, that you can read and speak:
8.1) _________________________ 8.2) _________________________
14) Education:
________________________ __________________ ____________________
(Name of University) (Specialisation) (Year Completed/Degree)
________________________ __________________ ____________________
(Name of University) (Specialisation) (Year Completed/Degree)
15) Additional Information: (specific activities; publications;
awards; memberships; please attach an additional sheet of paper if you
require more space)
(itt kitoroltem nehany ures sort ugy kb. feloldalnyi helyrol)
Your signature below indicates that you agree to appear in this expert
database. Thank you for your participation.
___________________ ______/_______/199____
(signature) (Date)
The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC)
is an independent, non-profit, international organization. The REC was
established in 1990 by the United States, the European Commission, and
Hungary. Nine other countries have since become sponsors. The REC's
mission is to promote cooperation among diverse environmental groups
and interests in Central and Eastern Europe; to act as a catalyst for
developing solutions to environmental problems; and to promote the
development of civil society.
The REC's Information Exchange Program answers your questions about
the environment in Central and Eastern Europe and promotes networking
among different stakeholders. It has extensive resources to ensure
public access to information, including specialised library, computer
databases, access to global electronic communication networks.
Mr. Ivelin Roussev
The Regional Environmental Center
for Central and Eastern Europe
Miklos ter 1, Budapest 1035, Hungary
Tel: (36 1) 250 3401
Fax: (36 1) 250 3403
REC Home Page:
REED Data Entry Form Page:
Kedves erdeklodok!
Egy software magazint szeretnek a figyelmukbe ajanlani,
melyben tobbek kozott olvashatnak az emberrol es
a civilizacios betegsegeirol (kabitoszer, betegsegek, legszennyezes,
atom, stb.) Az ujsag egy cikkggyujtemeny, mely 350 db cikkbol,es
tobb mint 1550 lapozo lapozo oldalbol. 1,44-es lemezre felfer, es
a futtatasahoz nem art egy 486-os gep + SVGA (a gyorsasag miatt)
A DIMENZIO nevu magazin az IQDEPO csapat produkciojaban
keszult. Tematikus szamokbol all.
Reagalasaikat a vagy cimre kerjuk.
Akit erdekel az ujsag, az a kovetkezo cimen erheti el!