1. |
allas (mind) |
26 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
Uj oljamezo Mo-n + MOL-privatizacio (mind) |
66 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
Jarmuvek PAH emisszioja (mind) |
41 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | allas (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
> =============================================================
> =============================================================
Senior Program Coordinator. Pesticide Action Network North
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network of over 400 pesticide reform NGOs, seeks a specialist
in ecological IPM, pesticide use reduction, sustainable
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Qualifications include advanced degree (Ph.D. or equivalent
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supervisory skills and languages. Excellent benefits;
starting salary $32-37k. Submit letter, resume with salary
history and writing sample by July 7 to Monica Moore, PANNA,
116 New Montgomery #810, SF CA 94105. For information call
415-541-9140; or email
| Pesticide Action Network North America |
| | |
| Phone:(415) 541-9140 | for standard information |
| Fax:(415) 541-9253 | about PANNA send a short |
| email: | email message to |
| gopher: gopher.econet.apc.org| |
+ - | Uj oljamezo Mo-n + MOL-privatizacio (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
By Tom Hoover
Although the Hungarian government is withholding the monetary
details of the privatization of its national oil company, Mol,
the announcement last week that a new oil field has been
discovered should make the tender a bit more lucrative. The
yet untapped deposit is just southwest of Hungary's Lake
Balaton near the tiny village of Szokedencs and preliminary
testing suggests heavy crude.
"The field is six or seven kilometers," said Ivan Fisch,
assistant to the vice-president at Mol. "By Hungarian
standards that's a large field."
It's not yet known how much oil will be pumped out of the
Szokedencs site, but Fisch said a precise estimate will be
made in about three months. Under Hungarian law the
government has the right to explore for natural resources and
land owners are obliged to allow it. Szokedencs lies in an
area dense with Hungarian oil production fields and, according
to Mol, was a logical location to search. Mol has exploration
rights to about 18 percent of Hungary's 93,000 square
kilometers of territory and the area of Szokedencs falls into
that 18 percent. Mol produced all of Hungary's 1.6 million
tons of domestic crude last year, a drop of 100,000 tons over
1993. But the country still gets most of its oil from Russia
and imported 5.5 million tons last year.
"The only alternative we have is the Adria pipeline from
Croatia," Fisch said. "But the war has closed it for the
past two years."
The Adria pipeline was a major supplier to Slovakia and the
Czech Republic as well, however, a section of it runs through
the Serb-held region of Krajina in Croatia, effectively
shutting off the flow. In the hope of increasing domestic
production, four international oil companies have been given
the opportunity to explore in Hungary as direct competitors to
Mol. Blue Star, Coastal, Occidental and Mobil were each given
a 35 year concession last year to explore 9,000 square
kilometers, but as yet have had no success. Fisch said Mol
has a tradition of cooperation with Occidental, but it was not
named as one of the western companies interested in a minority
share in Mol, which Privatization Minister Tamas Suchmann said
will be available late this month. Austria's OMV, America's
Mobil, Amoco, Shell and France's Total have voiced interest in
Mol, Hungary's biggest firm in terms of sales and one of the
15 biggest companies in Europe. Suchmann emphasized last
week, however, that the Hungarian government will keep a 25
percent share of Mol permanently, maintaining it as the
"national oil company". Another 20 percent of shares will be
offered to the Mol staff. About five percent of Mol is
already privately held and a float on the Budapest Stock
Exchange will immediately follow the further privatization.
The value of Mol also includes its natural gas monopoly. The
company produces 50 percent of the natural gas used
domestically, importing the rest from Russia.
> ------------------------------------------
Azert ehhez batorsag kell! Egy orszag 50-75%-ban kulfoldnek adja
belfoldi energia-hordozoinak monopoliumat es tulajdonat....
+ - | Jarmuvek PAH emisszioja (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Hi Koernyeszek
A Tanszekemen nehany nap mulva egy dizelmotort fogunk vizsgalni. Eloszoer
gazolajjal jaratjuk, majd repcemetileszterrel (RME). Ezt a motoripust kissebb
kombajnokba szoktak szerelni. A vizsgalat sokkal reszletesebb lesz mint amit
az europai (UN ECE 21, 49 es 85) es magyar (MSZ 21865 es 21866) szabvany
eloir. Az eloirt 6 illetve 13 helyett 20-30 kueloenboezo terhelesen es
fordulatszamon fogjuk merni az emissziot: korom, CO, CH, NOx, CO2, O2.
A mereselokeszites koezben felmeruelt, hogy policiklusos aromas
szenhidrogeneket (PAH) is merjuenk. A most ervenyben levo europai szabvanyok
nem irjak elo a PAH mereset. Valoszinu, hogy Europaban 2000-tol lesz
bevezetve a PAH merese. A mert PAH erteket nagyon befolyasolja a begyujtes,
oldas es az extrahalas modszere. Eddig egy olyan cikk keruelt a kezuenkbe,
amely ezzel a kifejezetten ezzel a temaval foglalkozott:
Koernyezetvedelmi fuezetek, OMIKK, 1992.
A cikknek sok irodalmi hovatkozasa van. Toebb meresi modszert ismertet. Az
egyik szerint uevegszurovel mintat veszuenk, metanollal leoldjuk, extrahaljuk
es gazkromatograffal kielemezzuek. A masik az oessz-PAH-tartalmat adja meg. Ez
a PAS (photoelectric aerosol sensor) modszer, mely valos ideju es mobil
muszerrel merheto. Ez utobbi mind imisszios,mind emisszios meresekre
is alkalmazhato. Valoszinu hogy itt, Magyarorszagon mindket modszer szerint
tudunk merni.
Bocs a hosszu bevezeto miatt, de nem vagyunk otthon a temaban, de
szerettem volna pontosan ismertetni a helyzetet. Tehat a kerdesem a koevetkezo:
Ha nem a joevobeli szabvany szerint meruenk, akkor kesobb nem lesznek
oesszehasonlithatok az eredmenyeink. Az amerikai jarmuemisszio szabvanyok
mindig elorebb tartanak, mint az europaiak, ezert lehet, hogy az amerikai
szabvanyok mar a PAH mereset is meghatarozzak.
A valaszokat elore is koeszoenjuek.
Gillich Peter
GATE Jarmu- es Hotechnika Tanszek