Hat ennyit talaltam:
Hungarian Pastry Shop
ADDRESS: 1030 Amsterdam Avenue, at 111th Street
INFO: (212) 866-4230
HOURS: Mon-Fri 8am-11:30pm; Sat-Sun 9am-11:30pm.
A Columbia institution. Generations of students
have idled away the
hours here, their noses buried in something
esoteric while secretly
eyeing each other up across the room. Offering
exquisite homemade
pastries in a comfortable old-world setting,
Hungarian Pastry Shop is
the anti-Starbucks.--Dirk Standen
Mocca Hungarian
ADDRESS: 1588 Second Avenue, between 82nd and 83rd
INFO: (212) 734-6470
What exactly is Hungarian food? (I can hear you
asking yourself right
now..) It's kind of like German/Austrian comfort
food. We're talking
schnitzel, cabbage, and strudel. What sets Mocca
apart is its excellent
execution of these old favorites. Subtly flavored,
hearty, and
generous, a meal at Mocca is just what you need on
a chilly night on
the Upper East Side.--Rachel Fishman
Ha valaki meg tud valamirol az szoljon. A SoHo-ban talalhato "Kavehaz"-at
csak 'veletlenul' hivjak ugy. Semmi koze - a neveben olvashato magyar
nyelven kivul - Magyarorszaghoz, vagy barmilyen magyar kulturahoz.
:-D (Eszter)