1. |
Re: Europai Disco Zene t Venne k (mind) |
15 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
Re: SCM atszervezes?! (mind) |
59 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
Re: Racism at Ferencvaros? (mind) |
30 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
Re: SCM atszervezes?! (mind) |
40 sor |
(cikkei) |
5. |
Konyvet keresek (mind) |
5 sor |
(cikkei) |
6. |
Need information about Budapest (mind) |
11 sor |
(cikkei) |
7. |
Re: Racism at Ferencvaros? (mind) |
20 sor |
(cikkei) |
8. |
Re: Racism at Ferencvaros? (mind) |
19 sor |
(cikkei) |
9. |
- (mind) |
1 sor |
(cikkei) |
10. |
Re: SCM atszervezes?! (mind) |
47 sor |
(cikkei) |
11. |
Hianyos kuldemeny. (mind) |
12 sor |
(cikkei) |
12. |
Re: SCM atszervezes?! (mind) |
19 sor |
(cikkei) |
13. |
Hyphenation algorithm available in 50 languages (mind) |
40 sor |
(cikkei) |
14. |
Q: List of Namesdays? (specifically Zsuzsa) (mind) |
13 sor |
(cikkei) |
15. |
Re: SCM atszervezes?! (mind) |
18 sor |
(cikkei) |
16. |
Teljes az érdektelenség (előtte:Re: SCM atszervezes?!) (mind) |
7 sor |
(cikkei) |
17. |
Re: SCM atszervezes?! (mind) |
12 sor |
(cikkei) |
18. |
Looking for Lechner Peter (mind) |
5 sor |
(cikkei) |
19. |
Re: re. racism at ferencvaros (mind) |
21 sor |
(cikkei) |
20. |
Re: Racism at Ferencvaros? (mind) |
24 sor |
(cikkei) |
21. |
Re: re. racism at ferencvaros (mind) |
51 sor |
(cikkei) |
22. |
Re: Racism at Ferencvaros? (mind) |
24 sor |
(cikkei) |
23. |
Re: SCM atszervezes?! (mind) |
20 sor |
(cikkei) |
24. |
Re: Racism at Ferencvaros? (mind) |
9 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | Re: Europai Disco Zene t Venne k (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
a legujabb kiada'su' (kiza'ro'lag EUROPAI sti'lusu')
DISCO CD-ket e's/vagy TAPE-eket valamint VIDEO-kat
keresek megve'telre --folyamatosan--.
Ha valamilyen mo'don tudna'l segi'teni,
ke'rlek i'rja'l a ko"vetkezo" E-MAIL cimre:
[Toronto, Canada]
Elo"re is ko"sz,
+ - | Re: SCM atszervezes?! (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
On 6 Feb 1996, T. Kocsis wrote:
> Hangsulyozom: ez az egy csoport is hatalmas szivesseg reszunkrol a lis-
> tatulajdonosoknak. Egyedul egy ilyen szabalyozott hierarchiaban, mint a
> soc.culture, sajat csoportjuk megalakitasara a segitsegunk nelkul zerus
> eselyuk lenne.
Csakhogy a listatulajdonosok (legalabbis Jozsirol tudom, Gotthardrol meg
feltetelezem) ugy velik - szerintem ugyan nem feltetlenul helyesen -, hogy
a Usenet-olvasoknak tesznek szivesseget a news-formaban valo talalassal;
nem oly regen meg Te allitottad, Tamas, hogy mennyivel jobb a news-on
keresztuli eleres mint az email, nem? Arrol nem beszelve, hogy szerintem
normalis esetben nem a listatulajdonosnak tett szivesseg, ha olvashatjak
az altala szolgaltatott anyagot, hanem forditva... (Az a beallitas meg
hogy a listaknak, kulonosen a HIX-nek reklamra lenne szuksege a Usenet
csoporton, elegge furcsanak tunik a multkori vita soran keszitett es
kozzetett statisztikammal egybevetve, ami kimutatta hogy a HIX-nek joval
tobb hasznaloja latszik lenni)! Mindenesetre a javasolt alcsoport(ok) nem
a lista-kezelok "sajatja" lenne, hanem az olvasoke - ha azok jonak tartjak
a maguk reszere akkor megszavazzak, ha nem nem.
> Ezert tartom rendkivul furcsanak az uj kovetelest, hogy mindegyik lista
> nevreszolo, sajat csoportot akar, meg egyebek.
Ez nem koveteles, hanem javaslat (es nem minden listanak, hanem minden
szervernek lenne, amibol csak nehany van). Es kivancsiva tettel, mik azok
az egyebek?!
+ >A lista benyomasa egyszeru mass-posting, azaz bun, ami felett valami
+ >erzelmes elgargyulasban hajlamosak vagyunk eltekinteni.
Ez elegge elferditett beallitasa a dolgoknak - egyreszt miert mass-post,
masreszt miert bun? A Useneten regi hagyomany, hogy a nagy
olvasokozonseggel rendelkezo listak megjelenjenek news-keresztpostazassal.
Az igazi gond nem ez, hanem az hogy a felemas egyiranyu email-dump
bekuldes nem igazi Usenetes megoldas.
> Igen, belegondolva van benne valami. Tobb, mint 50 000 Usenet szerver van.
> A FORUM, BLA, OMRI-digest ebbol kifolyolag otvenezer helyre szetmasolodik,
> foglalja a helyet, pedig maroknyi ember olvassa csak oket a Useneten. ( Az
> az egy-ket ezer (allitolagos) olvaso elofizet ra, levelben kapja)
(Zarjelben, ha mar szamokat hasznalunk, akkor probaljunk meg helyes
nagysagot tippelni - mar tavaly is 300,000 koruli szervert becsultek
aminek ugy ketharmadara masolodott az s.c.m). Magat a Usenet-csoportot is
csak maroknyian olvassak (bar pontosan epp ugy nem tudjuk hanyan, mint a
digest-olvaso halmaz eseten sem), ugyhogy ez nem igen mukodik ervkent...
Raadasul meg a digestek egyuttes tomege is elenyeszo sok egyeb olyan
Usenet forgalomhoz hasonlitva, amit legtobben haszontalanabbnak itelunk
meg mint akarmilyen magyar email anyagot.
Az igaz, hogy lehetnek kapacitas-takarekos helyek amelyek magat a
Usenet csoportot szivesebben fogadnak mint az email anyaggal
felduzzasztot forgalmut. Ezert is lenne celszeru levalasztani az email
reszt, hogy ahol nem akarnak azzal helyet foglalni ott kulon kezelhessek.
> Mivel rajtam kivul mas nem irt, hogy itt olvasna ezeket a listakat, azt
> kell felteteleznem, hogy a vilagon en vagyok az egyetlen. :) :) :)
Aha, ragyogo logikaju bizonyitas ;-( ;-( ;-(...
Zoli , keeper of <http://hix.mit.edu/hungarian-faq/>
# Wallace Sayre said, "Academic politics is the most vicious and bitter
# form of politics, because the stakes are so low." He didn't know
# Usenet: welcome to the next level. (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold)
+ - | Re: Racism at Ferencvaros? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
: Please make some distinction, Tamas. Maybe all of the opponents are booed,
: but strangely enough the boos are much (very much) louder when a black
: player has got the ball. This was also noted by Anderlecht, where the
: black players had to face similar treatment in Hungary. It's a real shame
Marco, why is it that you love black players so much in Holland? Maybe it's
hard for you to understand, but some supporters would like to see their teams
stay as they are. Eastern Europe is the next area that will soon start signing
a lot of africans etc... and quite honestly, no matter how good a player is,
some people just can't see them as part of their team. It takes all the fun
out of the game, having a black player is nothing... but when 1/2 the team is,
it's just crap! I want to see my hometeam as a team i can identify with, not a
team of people i have NOTHING in common with, except that i pay their wages by
paying for the ticket.
: that you somehow want to cover up the incident. Don't forget that
: Ferencvaros has got a lot of fines from UEFA because of racism and
: hooliganism (yes, I know, not because of the Ajax game, where everyone in
: the stadium heared the boos excpet the officials). And I have never heard
: such incredible boo-ing before in any match of an Hungarian team, so don't
: call it an Hungarian thing. You bring down your whole country that way.
Well who cares if he brings down his country, you think Holland is anywhere
near the top when using so many blacks in their NATIONAL team? I just laugh
looking at your pathetic excuses for players. I mean really, can't you find
someone just as good who is actually dutch?
Sieg Heil! :)
+ - | Re: SCM atszervezes?! (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
> Szoval hogy jott ki az a 33 (illetve a masik oldalrol 50) szazalek ???
Arrol van szo, hogy 3 (fo3-csoport plusz .hix plusz .umd) avagy 2=20
(fo3 plusz .listserv) legyen - az elobbi 50%-al tobb, az utobbi 33%-al=20
kevesebb :-) mint a masik valtozat.
On 6 Feb 1996, T. "Hitetlen Tam=E1s" Kocsis wrote:
> > Eppen ezert mondtam ujsag-*egyuttest*, azaz szerver szerinti
> >csoportositast; jelenleg ez .hix es .umd lenne, ami 33%-kal (ketto ossze=
> >helyett harom - vagy 50%, ha a masik oldalrol szazalekolsz :-)) tobb csa=
> >mint a .listserv valtozat.=20
> Szamoljunk csak szepen az ujjacskainkon:
> 1. HIX
> 2. BLA (Battyanyi Alapitvany)
> 3. HLD (Hungarian Lobby Digest)
> 4. Siliconvalley ( Pelionnisz Andras listaja)
> 5. HAL (Hungarian American List)
6. =3D HIX szerver
2. ugyan kulon szerver a Hungary.Network gepen, de hasonlo program
szinten a Hollosi altal; miutan ez csak egyiranyu forgalom, gondolom nem
gond a .hix csoportba tenni (noha nem HIX), hasonlo a helyzet a KET
listaval is
5. =3D .umd
3. =3D 5. (es hasonloan a Voa/Omri is a Gotthard listajatol) UMD szerver
4. egyelore nincs a Useneten; ha lenne, akkor ez lenne a harmadik szerver
> > [az al-csoportok szamanak alacsonyan tartasara]
> > mondtam ujsag-*egyuttest*, azaz szerver szerinti=20
> >csoportositast; jelenleg ez .hix es .umd lenne
Zoli , keeper of <http://hix.mit.edu/hungarian-faq/>
# Wallace Sayre said, "Academic politics is the most vicious and bitter
# form of politics, because the stakes are so low." He didn't know
# Usenet: welcome to the next level. (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold)
+ - | Konyvet keresek (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Tudja-e valaki, hol illetve honnan kaphatom a Gosztonyi Peter Legi veszely
Budapest cimu konyvet? Azonon kivul keresek felvilagositast a magyar
ejtoernyosokrol a masodik vilag haborualatt.
Semper Fidelis,
+ - | Need information about Budapest (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
I want to go to Budapest in one month, it's because I need help about:
- good hotels, average prices....
- some address for nightlife (disco for student, bar, nigth clubs...)
- ...
Please send me your comments directly to my email:
Thank you very much
+ - | Re: Racism at Ferencvaros? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In >,
uu.nl (Weird L. Marcowitz) writes:
>In article >, T. Kocsis > wrot
>: Well, we don't riot, don't destroy ships,
>: don't break everything when our team lost....
>So that is why Ferencvaros got fines for hooliganism. They didn't do anything.
Anyway, I can clearly remember the case which has happened a short ago
(in october 1995), where these "supporters" have attacked a tram in
Budapest; there were on the tram, as they have believed, several
supporters of the team "Ujpest". So they were throwing stones and
beating up several passengers, causing severe damage to property and
injuries. Reportedly, innocent bystanders were also injured (two of them
Nagy Peter
+ - | Re: Racism at Ferencvaros? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, (Heikki
Koivusaari) wrote:
: Sieg Heil! :)
This says enough....
You'd better not say that here in Holland, 'dear' Heikki, because this is
a fellony over here. And our Dutch team consists of Dutch players. Half of
them may have been black, but they're still Dutch. You're one of the most
shortsighted people I have ever heard of. If I follow your opinion I would
even have to throw Jari Litmanen out of Holland, because we're paying his
ticket too, and he's not a Dutchman!
You probably want that everyone stays in his own country. Very well then,
Heikki, stay in YOUR country and become the most ignorant man alive.
Get lost Heikki, someone has already been thrown of the Internet for
+ - | - (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
+ - | Re: SCM atszervezes?! (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >,
"Zoli Fekete, keeper of hungarian-faq" > wrote:
> Csakhogy a listatulajdonosok (legalabbis Jozsirol tudom, Gotthardrol meg
>feltetelezem) ugy velik - szerintem ugyan nem feltetlenul helyesen -, hogy
>a Usenet-olvasoknak tesznek szivesseget a news-formaban valo talalassal;
Megkerdeztek valaha az usenet olvasokat?
>az altala szolgaltatott anyagot, hanem forditva... (Az a beallitas meg
>hogy a listaknak, kulonosen a HIX-nek reklamra lenne szuksege a Usenet
>csoporton, elegge furcsanak tunik a multkori vita soran keszitett es
>kozzetett statisztikammal egybevetve, ami kimutatta hogy a HIX-nek joval
>tobb hasznaloja latszik lenni)! Mindenesetre a javasolt alcsoport(ok) nem
Ha ugyis vannak elegen, mi ertelme van meg azt az "elenyeszo" szamu SCM-est
zaklatni? A reklam feltetelezes szerintem igaz, csak nem gyakorlati okai
vannak hanem pszichologiaiak.
>+ >A lista benyomasa egyszeru mass-posting, azaz bun, ami felett valami
>+ >erzelmes elgargyulasban hajlamosak vagyunk eltekinteni.
> Ez elegge elferditett beallitasa a dolgoknak - egyreszt miert mass-post,
>masreszt miert bun? A Useneten regi hagyomany, hogy a nagy
>olvasokozonseggel rendelkezo listak megjelenjenek news-keresztpostazassal.
>Az igazi gond nem ez, hanem az hogy a felemas egyiranyu email-dump
>bekuldes nem igazi Usenetes megoldas.
Ok, bevallom nem vagyok tisztaban a zsargonnal, de a dolog nagyban csokkenti a
group hasznalhatosagat mindenki szamara aki nem tud "ol"-ni. Azaz "bun".
>aminek ugy ketharmadara masolodott az s.c.m). Magat a Usenet-csoportot is
>csak maroknyian olvassak (bar pontosan epp ugy nem tudjuk hanyan, mint a
Az SCM-et nagysagrendekkel tobben olvassak mint irnak bele. Csak a tobbiek
egeszsegesek :).
Tudna valaki peldat mondani melyik masik SCx -ben megy meg ez a listanyomas,
mert en meg nem talaltam hasonlot.
Peter Szaszvari
+ - | Hianyos kuldemeny. (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Tisztelt szerkesztoseg!
Sajnos az 1996 feb. 7-i lapjuk szoveg nelkul erkezett meg.
Ha lennenek szivesek megkuldeni a szoveg-reszt is nagyon meg-
Tovabbi jo munkat, szivelyesen udvozli Onoket
Kotai Jozsef
+ - | Re: SCM atszervezes?! (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
On 7 Feb 1996, Andras Olah wrote:
>[...] Az idealis az
> lenne, ha a hu.* hierarchia lathato lenne mindenutt, de nem tudom,
> hogy ez mennyire realis. Itt nalunk az nl.*-en kivul van meg de.*,
> uk.* meg talan no.*.
A magyar nemzeti hierarchia neve nem hu.* hanem hun.*. Ha at tudod
allitani az NNTP cimet a news programod szamara, akkor kozvetlenul elerheto
a news.iif.hu vagy news.sztaki.hu nyilt szervererol (alkalmankent
csigalassan, sajnos). Ha talalsz olyan admint, aki hajlando a magyar feed
hozzaadasat megcsinalni, akkor ezek a forrasokat ok is hasznalhatjak az
eleresre. Az USA-ban egy szolgaltatorol tudok: alt.net; jo lenne, ha
minel tobben kerelmeznek nagyobb Usenet helyek, mint pl. UUNet, netcom
vagy aol altali terjeszteset!
Zoli , keeper of <http://hix.mit.edu/hungarian-faq/>
# Wallace Sayre said, "Academic politics is the most vicious and bitter
# form of politics, because the stakes are so low." He didn't know
# Usenet: welcome to the next level. (Ron "Asbestos" Dippold)
+ - | Hyphenation algorithm available in 50 languages (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Hyphenologist is a program to perform hyphenation in many human
languages : Afrikaans, American, Anglo Saxon, Bahasa Malay, Basque,
Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English
(phonetic), English (Traditional), Esperanto, Estonian, Finnish,
Flemish, French (French Canadian, Walloon), German (Swiss German),
Greek (Classical), Greek (demotic), Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian,
Irish (Erse, Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic), Italian, Latin, Latvian,
Lithuanian, Maltese, Norwegian,(bokmal, landsmal, nynorsk,
samnorsk), Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Romanian (Moldavian),
Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish (Papiamento etc.),
Swahili, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian, Welsh. Several other languages
are under development. Should you require any other language we will
be pleased to discuss any requirements.
Hyphenologist handles algorithmically the linguistic problem of where
to place hyphens in a word, by using prefixes and suffixes and
infixes in the language involved. Where a language uses "words
within words" as in German, Hyphenologist searches for common
internal words. Hyphenologist is "data driven" from rule bases that
are specially developed for each language taking into account "custom
and practice". A facility to construct a personal exception file that
overrides the existing rules is included. Where a language has unique
problems, special code is included.
Hyphenologist is normally supplied as C source code for ease of
incorporation into your programs. Any combination of languages will
compile immediately. Dummy main()s and files of hyphenated words are
supplied for testing purposes.
Email for MSDOS demo disk.
!!!!! Replies by email please !!!!!!
Dave Fawthrop, >.
Address : Computer Hyphenation Ltd, Hyphen House, 8 Cooper Grove,
Shelf, Halifax, HX3 7RF, United Kingdom.
Phone/Fax/Answer: +44 (0) 1274 691092
Internet :
+ - | Q: List of Namesdays? (specifically Zsuzsa) (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
I'm looking for a list of namesday dates. I'm particularly looking for
Zsuzsa's namesday, although I'd like to find a general list for future
reference. I haven't been able to find one through a pretty comprehensive
search of the web, although my Hungarian is not good so I haven't been
able to search the Hungarian language sites very well. Any assistance,
including pointers to helpful information, is appreciated.
myk melez | | <URL:http://www.paranoia.com/~myk/>
+ - | Re: SCM atszervezes?! (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article >, T. Kocsis > write
|> Mivel rajtam kivul mas nem irt, hogy itt olvasna ezeket a listakat, azt
|> kell felteteleznem, hogy a vilagon en vagyok az egyetlen. :) :) :)
Nem vagy egyedul! En is itt olvasom a TIPP-et meg a GURU-t, ha eppen
erre tevedek. A fo elonye az, hogy ha akarom olvasom, ha meg nem
akkor par nap mulva eltunik a server-rol. Abban viszont egyetertek,
hogy nem teljesen illenek bele a Usenet profiljaba. Az idealis az
lenne, ha a hu.* hierarchia lathato lenne mindenutt, de nem tudom,
hogy ez mennyire realis. Itt nalunk az nl.*-en kivul van meg de.*,
uk.* meg talan no.*.
+ - | Teljes az érdektelenség (előtte:Re: SCM atszervezes?!) (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Van egy olyan gyanum, hogy hiaba csinaljuk itt a felhajtast,
nem fog osszejonni eleg szavazat arra, hogy pro vagy kontra
barmit is meg lehessen valtoztatni.
Az erdeklodes elenyeszo a nevvaltozasos szavazhoz kepest.
+ - | Re: SCM atszervezes?! (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article > Zoli
Fekete, writes:
> A Useneten regi hagyomany, hogy a nagy
>olvasokozonseggel rendelkezo listak megjelenjenek news-keresztpostazassal.
Khm.. khm... akkor tan oda kellene ezeket a listakat is vinni,
ahol azoknak a hagyomanyos helye van, a BIT.LISTSERV. hie-
(lasd peldaul az altalunk viszonylag jobban ismert
bit.listserv.slovak-l csoportot, ami ott talalhato)
+ - | Looking for Lechner Peter (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
My friend Halaman Gyula from Argentina is trying to get in touch with
Lechner Peter (has a brother named Ferenc). He is an attorney, went
to the "Kiralyi Katolikus Gimnazium" in Hungary. Left Hungary in 1956. He
is in his late 60's or early 70's.
If anyone knows anything, please let me know. Thanks.
+ - | Re: re. racism at ferencvaros (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article > Cristian Tomescu,
>when the ajax players
>of color had the ball. this fact has been witnessed by many dutch
>fans that attended the game in budapest. i have monitored the soccer
>pages for some time, and this event has been amply attested to.
I watched Hattricks on DSF couple of weeks ago, by chance Ajax was
playing a game with another team I don't remember of, and a large
group of Ajax funs were shown several times :they stretched their right
hands out slightly upwards with open palms. They did it ritmically,
together, efficiently cordinated by a foreshouter.
I would not care otherwise but I remembered that they accused Fradi
of usage of nazi symbols.
>and how about that nazi flag proudly displayed in the stands
AFAIK, (correct me if i'm wrong) there was no nazi flag there at all.
You know nazi symbols and red star are forbidden symbols in Hungary.
+ - | Re: Racism at Ferencvaros? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article > B.VAN LITH,
>you could clearly see a nazi-flag behind one off the goals
What do you call nazi-flag ? Nazi and communist symbols are
forbidden in Hungary and the public usage of them is punished
by the law (up to imprisonment). If you have the video you can
recognise the keepers of that flag and you may start a legal
process. No one did it however.
>According to all objective viewers (I'm NOT an ajax-fan) The
>Ferenc.supporters (only the one's who did all this ofcourse) are a big
>disgrace to soccer all around the world......
I watched Hattricks on DSF couple of weeks ago, by chance Ajax was
playing a game with another team I don't remember of, and a large
group of Ajax funs were shown several times :they stretched their right
hands out slightly upwards with open palms. They did it ritmically,
together, efficiently coordinated by a foreshouter.
I would not care otherwise but I remembered that they accused Fradi
of usage of nazi symbols.
+ - | Re: re. racism at ferencvaros (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Cristian Tomescu > wrote:
> >T. Kocsis > wrote:
> >
> >Back to the Hungarian team. There was no fascism at all during
> >Ajax's visit. The Hungarian fans always boooo-s regardless of the
> >colour or nationality of the opponent. All the opponents are booed.
> >It is a Hungarian thing.
> first, boos and jeers are not ONLY "a hungarian thing". second, let's
> not mix up boos and jeers with racial slurs and obvious monkey sounds
> that were generated by some of ferencvaros' fans when the ajax players
> of color had the ball. this fact has been witnessed by many dutch
> fans that attended the game in budapest. i have monitored the soccer
> pages for some time, and this event has been amply attested to. and
> how about that nazi flag proudly displayed in the stands :-(
> i am sure that many (most) of the hungarian fans behaved in a
> civilized way, but the ones that did not really spoiled the image of
> ferencvaros and its hungarian fans.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> >Well, we don't riot, don't destroy ships, don't break everything when
> >our team lost....
> yeah, but displaying nazi flags you do, alright! ;-(
> -cristian
> ps:
> you know, tamas, it is possible to be a ferencvaros fan while
> acknowledging the deplorable behavior of some of its supporters at the
> same time!
Exactly. Those who go to football matches and behave in this
fashion are not fans of football and should be seen to have no connection
with the club they "support". It is abhorant that those genuinely
support the club should be denounce as facist etc just because of a
minority who have clearly lost their sensibilities. It is a shame
that those running Ferencvaros haven`t attempted to stop these
reprobates from attending matches - especially those being played in
other countries.
+ - | Re: Racism at Ferencvaros? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article > B.VAN LITH,
>you could clearly see a nazi-flag behind one off the goals
What do you call nazi-flag ? Nazi and communsit symbol are
forbidden in Hungary and the public usage of them is punished
by the law (up to imprisonment). If you have the video you can
recognise the keepers of that flag and you may start a legal
process. No one did it however.
>According to all objective viewers (I'm NOT an ajax-fan) The
>Ferenc.supporters (only the one's who did all this ofcourse) are a big
>disgrace to soccer all around the world......
I watched Hattricks on DSF couple of weeks ago, by chance Ajax was
playing a game with another team I don't remember of, and a large
group of Ajax funs were shown several times :they stretched their right
hands out slightly upwards with open palms. They did it ritmically,
together, efficiently cordinated by a foreshouter.
I would not care otherwise but I remembered that they accused Fradi
of usage of nazi symbols.
+ - | Re: SCM atszervezes?! (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article > Zoli
Fekete, writes:
>nem oly regen meg Te allitottad, Tamas, hogy mennyivel jobb a news-on
>keresztuli eleres mint az email, nem ?
A par hettel elotti hix-szerver problema ota igen nagy kesessel ernek
ide el Svajcba a HIX keresztpostak. Peldaul a mai anyag sem ert me'g
ide. Elofordul a tobbnapos (!!) keses. Igy tenyleg ertelmetlen a listak
ittlete. Ezert hetek ota a WWW-n olvasom a HIX-anyagokat, reggel,
mikor beerek a munkahelyre.
Valoban az emilnel kenyelmesebb a Usenet (felteve, ha idoben ideer
a cikk) de legalabb olyan kenylemes a HIX WWW-server (felteve, ha nincs
eppen annyira leterhelve, hogy nem lehet elerni)
Mivel lathatolag senki nem ragaszkodik a csoportban az ujsagok itt-
letehez, sot sokaknak kenyelmetlenseget okoz, en a reszemrol szi-
vesen lemondok arrol a 'luxusrol', hogy itt olvasgassam a listakat.
+ - | Re: Racism at Ferencvaros? (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
In article > Weird L.
Marcowitz, writes:
>Who are you talking about? I hope you're not talking about Frank Rijkaard,
>because he had NOTHING to do with the denigration.
Well, someone has written a public letter (and were signed by
some other people) to the Real Madrid. That was a dirty thing.