1. |
Osztondij (mind) |
12 sor |
(cikkei) |
2. |
Kerdesek a Magyarok Vilagszovetsegerol (mind) |
34 sor |
(cikkei) |
3. |
KET kiegeszites (mind) |
8 sor |
(cikkei) |
4. |
Re: *** DOSZ *** #66 (mind) |
497 sor |
(cikkei) |
+ - | Osztondij (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
III. eves PhD-s vagyok, lenne egy kerdesem.
Meg tudna valaki mondani, hogy most utolso even
meddig fogunk osztondijat kapni? Ha jol emlekszem,
annak idejen, amikor mi elkezdtuk, azt mondtak, hogy
ez a kepzes 3 evig tart. A kezdes szeptemberben volt,
tehat szamitasaim szerint junius, julius es augusztus
honapokra is kellene folyositsak az osztondijat.
Igy van-e ez, vagy csak en remenykedem?
Elore is kosz az informaciokat.
Bogacs Laszlo.
+ - | Kerdesek a Magyarok Vilagszovetsegerol (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Kedves Olvasok!
A KET Kereszteny Ertelmisegi Tarsasag egy kulturalis (elsosorban)
ifjusagi szervezet, mely rendszeresen tart eloadasokat, rendez balokat,
tancos esteket, szervez kirandulasokat. A legkozelebbi eloadas helyszine
a Magyarok Vilagszovetsege (Budapest V., Semmelweis u. 1-3., felemeleti
Videoterem), a meghivott eloado Bakos Istvan az MVSz fotitkara.
Eloadasanak cime:
A magyar ifjusag a millecentenarium eveben.
A halozaton keresztul lehet feltenni neki kerdeseket az eloadas vagy az
MVSZ temakoreben, es a KET-E-HIREK c. hetente megjeleno levelezesi
ujsagban kozoljuk a kapott valaszokat (ill. a kerdezo cimere is
Kivancsian varjuk kerdeseiteket, ha tudtok, gyertek el szemelyesen is az
Ha tobbet meg szeretnetek tudni a KET-rol, latogassatok meg a KET ottlapjat:
Europaban: http://www.eunet.hu/KET, Amerikaban: http://www.hungary.com/ket
(figyelem! az Eunet eseteben csupa NAGYbetuvel kell irni a "KET" szot!)
Akit erdekel, jelentkezhet a KET hetente megjeleno elktronikus
hirlevelere (ami egy levelezesi ujsag is egyben):
jelentkezes: cimre kuldott levellet, tartalom,
temakor nem erdekes,
lemondas: .
kozlesre szant cikkek, kerdesek kuldese: cimre.
Szemelyes kerdeseka szerkesztosegnek: cimre.
Biber Janos (KET)
+ - | KET kiegeszites (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
Kedves Olvasok!
Bakos Istvan eloadasanak idopontja: 1996. marcius 29. este 7 ora.
Biber Janos (KET)
+ - | Re: *** DOSZ *** #66 (mind) |
Feladó: (cikkei)
> =======================================================
> Felado : [Netherlands]
> Temakor: Munkavallalas USA-ban. ( 5 sor )
> Idopont: Thu Mar 21 06:19:30 EST 1996 DOSZ #66
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> Sziasztok!
> Az lenne a keresem, hogy ha valaki tud cimeket (posta, e-mail, www),
> ahol allatorvosi post-doc. allasokrol lehet informaciot szerezni irja meg.
> Foleg keleti-parti egyetemek erdekelnenek.
> Elore is koszonom: Szaki
Ezt az informaciot kaptam egy baratomtol. Remelem, hogy segit.
X-Sun-Data-Type: default
X-Sun-Data-Name: postdoc.txt
X-Sun-Content-Lines: 405
Several years ago, some students preparing their Ph.D.'s in Physics
created an organization named "Postdoc International".
This organization, becoming more and more known in the world, groups
together job propositions in the domain of research from laboratories
around the world. These propositions are available to researchers
through a computer server. Besides numerous propositions of post-
doctorates, the server also contains offers of permanent positions
(senior researcher, laboratory director,...).
Anyone having a computer account linked to an international network
(Bitnet, Internet, Decnet,...) can access the server. Send a mail to
containing the text: GET INDEX
The file index contains the list of available files (the propositions
are classed by country), as well as diverse informations like
conference announcements, financement programs for foreign sejours,
details on other computer networks of young physicists in the world,..
This service is completely FREE, for both the demander of informations
and the person who decides to insert announcements on a list
(send your text directly to the server with the command MESSAGE
on the first line).
Here is the file index:
> =============================================================================
> =============================================================================
welcome to:
* *
* *
(*association loi 1901, France)
for further information, contact:
Claire Gautherin
Dominique Marchand
Etienne Amic
Vincent Vigneron
> ========================================================================
abg.jobs 05/22/95 Jobs+Postdocs of the association ABG
australia.biology 05/11/95
australia.computer 05/16/95
australia.engineering 03/30/95
australia.genetics 05/24/95
australia.immunology 05/12/95
australia.infos 11/30/94 opportunities in Australia
australia.jobs 03/26/95
australia.medical 04/26/95
australia.physics 05/16/95
belgium.biocomputer 04/18/95
belgium.biology 03/21/95
belgium.mathematics 04/06/95
canada.agriculture 05/17/95
canada.agronomy 05/11/95
canada.biochemistry 05/18/95
canada.biocomputer 03/08/95
canada.biology 05/24/95
canada.chemistry 05/17/95
canada.computer 05/09/95
canada.ecology 05/18/95
canada.forestry 04/05/95
canada.genetics 05/11/95
canada.infos 06/30/93
canada.jobs 03/27/95
canada.medical 04/24/95
canada.neuroscience 03/23/95
china.chemistry 03/10/95
china.physics 05/24/94
europe.biology 05/18/95 | postdocs of the Human Capital and
europe.computer 03/01/95 |
europe.genetics 05/18/95 |
europe.physics 04/20/95 | Mobility of the European Community
finland.biology 04/25/95
finland.forestry 03/20/95
france.astronomy 04/19/95
france.biology 05/18/95
france.chemistry 03/20/95
france.computer 05/24/95
france.engineering 05/16/95
france.genetics 04/05/95
france.medical 05/18/95
france.physics 05/09/95
gb.biocomputer 05/12/95
gb.biology 05/12/95
gb.botany 05/26/95
gb.chemistry 05/16/95
gb.computer 04/26/95
gb.engineering 04/03/95
gb.forestry 05/16/95
gb.genetics 05/23/95
gb.jobs 03/23/95
gb.neuroscience 04/03/95
gb.pharmacology 05/02/95
gb.physics 05/23/95
gb.thesis 05/09/95
gb.zoology 05/09/95
germany.astronomy 05/23/95
germany.biology 05/16/95
germany.chemistry 04/24/95
germany.computer 04/28/95
germany.fishery 03/15/95
germany.physics 04/28/95
greece.genetics 03/06/95
hongkong.biology 05/05/95
india.biology 04/03/95
israel.computer 04/14/95
israel.physics 04/26/95
italy.biology 05/16/95
italy.genetics 05/18/95
japan.chemistry 03/15/95
japan.environment 03/02/95
japan.jobs 05/09/95
japan.physics 04/19/95
korea.biology 03/24/95
korea.physics 05/18/95
liste.university 02/01/95 list of the French Universities
mexico.physics 04/26/95
netherlands.biology 05/02/95
netherlands.biophysics 04/26/95
netherlands.chemistry 05/16/95
netherlands.genetics 05/18/95
netherlands.physics 04/26/95
newzealand.biology 04/20/95
newzealand.chemistry 03/27/95
newzealand.ecology 05/26/95
newzealand.jobs 04/05/95
norway.chemistry 04/26/95
saudiarabia.computer 03/15/95
southafrica.biology 03/23/95
southafrica.engineering 04/06/95
spain.biology 05/11/95
sweden.biology 04/05/95
switzerland.biology 05/18/95
switzerland.chemistry 05/16/95
switzerland.computer 03/30/95
switzerland.economy 03/13/95
switzerland.environment 03/13/95
switzerland.mathematics 03/27/95
switzerland.physics 05/18/95
taiwan.biology 05/16/95
taiwan.biophysics 05/11/95
usa.agriculture 05/18/95
usa.agronomy 05/09/95
usa.archeology 03/30/95
usa.aquaculture 05/26/95
usa.astronomy 04/28/95 Jobs ot the American Astronomical Society
usa.biochemistry 05/24/95
usa.biocomputer 05/26/95
usa.biology 05/26/95
usa.biomathematics 03/23/95
usa.biomedical 05/24/95
usa.botany 05/24/95
usa.chemistry 05/23/95
usa.computer 05/24/95
usa.earth 03/01/95
usa.ecology 05/26/95
usa.engineering 05/26/95
usa.environment 05/23/95
usa.forestry 05/13/95
usa.genetics 05/26/95
usa.health 04/10/95
usa.hollaender 12/17/94 Hollaender Postdoctoral Fellowships Progra
usa.horticulture 04/26/95
usa.hydrology 04/03/95
usa.immunology 05/02/95
usa.jobs 05/24/95
usa.mathematics 03/27/95
usa.medical 05/26/95
usa.neuroscience 04/13/95
usa.nih 04/28/95 jobs of the National Institutes of Health
usa.ocean 03/27/95
usa.pharmacology 05/02/95
usa.physics 05/23/95
usa.physiology 04/13/95
usa.zoology 05/09/95
Staff Openings List (Uneditted list of jobs from Accounting to Zoology :
Administrative, technical, trade, Research, medical... )
> =======================================================================
alabama.jobs 03/10/95 | Jobs of universities in Alabama |
arizona.jobs 04/28/95 | in Arizona |
arkansas.jobs 04/28/95 | in Arkansas |
bahamas.jobs 04/20/95 | in Bahamas |
california.jobs 04/28/95 | in California |
florida.jobs 04/28/95 | in Florida |
georgia.jobs 05/18/95 | in Georgia |
hongkong.jobs 03/20/95 | in Hong-Kong |
illinois.jobs 04/20/95 | in Illinois |
indiana.jobs 05/18/95 | in Indiana |
iowa.jobs 05/18/95 | in Iowa |
kansas.jobs 05/18/95 | in Kansas |
kentucky.jobs 04/03/95 | in Kentucky |
maryland.jobs 03/23/95 | in Maryland |
massachusetts.jobs 03/23/95 | in Massachusetts |
mexico.jobs 04/13/95 | in Mexico|
michigan.jobs 04/28/95 | in Michigan |
minnesota.jobs 05/18/95 | in Minnesota |
mississippi.jobs 04/03/95 | in Mississippi |
missouri.jobs 04/20/95 | in Missouri |
nevada.jobs 04/03/95 | in Nevada |
newjersey.jobs 03/02/95 | in New Jersey |
newyork.jobs 04/13/95 | in New York State |
northcarolina.jobs 04/06/95 | in North Carolina |
ohio.jobs 03/23/95 | in Ohio |
oregon.jobs 03/10/95 | in Oregon |
pennsylvania.jobs 04/06/95 | in Pennsylvania |
southcarolina.jobs 04/20/95 | in South Carolina |
tennesee.jobs 04/13/95 | in Tennesee |
texas.jobs 04/03/95 | in Texas |
virginia.jobs 04/13/95 | in Virginia |
washington.jobs 04/28/95 | in Washington DC |
wisconsin.jobs 05/16/95 | in Wisconsin |
Le testament de l'Association Etudiants et Recherche
> =======================================================================
etudiant.recherche 07/22/94
guide.ps 07/22/94 Guide de l'etudiant chercheur
en fichier Poscript
Une association de doctorants francais: HotDocs
> =======================================================================
hd.jvt 04/21/95 the last HotDocs newsletter "Le
Journal Virtuel des Thesrads"
hd.rapport 04/21/95 HotDoc report about French doctoral
studies (Postscript file 1,2 Mo!)
Workshop announcements
> =======================================================================
conf.news 05/23/95 Workshop announcements
Financial support
> =======================================================================
financia.support 05/17/95 list of financial programs that you
can ask for.
L'Association Bernard Gregory (ABG) (France)
> =======================================================================
abg.infos 12/21/94 Presentation de l'ABG
abg.news 05/22/95 The last ABG's newsletter "Formation
par la recherche"
cea.infos 07/08/94 Renseignements sur le Commissariat
a l'Energie Atomique
abg.frogmag 04/19/95 The last letter "Frogmag"
apec.jobs 05/22/95 Jobs of the French "Agence Pour
l'Emploi des Cadres"
BIGRE Ambassade de France a Londres (GB)
> =======================================================================
gb.bigre 04/06/95 The last BIGRE ! GB's newsletter
ANDeS Association Nationale des Docteurs es Sciences
> =======================================================================
andes.infos 01/31/95 Description de l'association
andes.news 02/16/94
The Young Scientist's Network (USA)
> =======================================================================
ysn.infos 05/16/93 Young Scientist's Network
ysn.newsletter 05/24/95 The last Newsletter of the
Young Scientist's Network
ysn.jobs 04/28/95 The last YSN Jobs Listing
Bryan Wallace of YSN will send a free email copy of his 311KB
book THE FARCE OF PHYSICS to anyone that sends a request to his
email address.
> =======================================================================
kansai.info 03/23/95
SEP Doo-Soo-Kai (SDSK) Mailing List (JAPAN)
> =======================================================================
sep.info 11/17/93
sep.news 12/14/93
sep.server 11/21/94
> =======================================================================
cebaf.newsletter 05/09/95
| How to obtain one of the files listed above? |
| ======================================================================= |
| Send a mail to using one of the following |
| commands in the text of the message (not in the Subject field) : |
| |
| GET Filename#1 Filename#2 Filename#3 ... |
| |
| or |
| |
| MESSAGE followed by your message for the manager |
| or your proposition to be inserted in a file ... |
| Examples : |
| |
| % mail |
| Subject: |
| get canada.chemistry france.physics |
| get usa.computers |
| . |
| % |
| |
| % mail |
| Subject: |
| message |
| This is for the manager of the PostDoc server |
| ... |
| . |
| % |
| |
| - do not mix "get" and "message" : send separate mails |
| |
| - do not use Reply to send mails. In order to avoid mail loops, replies |
| to post messages are sent to which does |
| not send files automatically |
| |
| - do not send mails from accounts with names: root, echo, postmaster, |
| or mailer-daemon |
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> =* Helpfile: > || WWW: http://hix.mit.edu/
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